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Status Replies posted by SlamminBeats

  1. Should I cut 3/4" threaded rod with grinder or hack saw?

  2. Glass first or sand/paint box first??

  3. So, got the mock box built. Gonna try it out first thing in the morning. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Pics are in my log.

  4. So, got the mock box built. Gonna try it out first thing in the morning. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Pics are in my log.

  5. Starting Insanity tonight, this should be very interesting.

  6. Starting Insanity tonight, this should be very interesting.

  7. Starting Insanity tonight, this should be very interesting.

  8. How do you seal a wall thats not at the b pillar? w/o expanding foam

  9. Nate updated the build log. Today is a good day.

  10. How do you seal a wall thats not at the b pillar? w/o expanding foam

  11. Starting Insanity tonight, this should be very interesting.

  12. How do you seal a wall thats not at the b pillar? w/o expanding foam

  13. How do you seal a wall thats not at the b pillar? w/o expanding foam

  14. How do you seal a wall thats not at the b pillar? w/o expanding foam

  15. how much in materials (mdf, fiber glass, 2 3/4" threaded rods for bracing) for a basic wall with 2 18s in a sedan? ball park?

  16. how much in materials (mdf, fiber glass, 2 3/4" threaded rods for bracing) for a basic wall with 2 18s in a sedan? ball park?

  17. how much in materials (mdf, fiber glass, 2 3/4" threaded rods for bracing) for a basic wall with 2 18s in a sedan? ball park?

  18. Anyone know a good place to get prices on DD's stuff. I know you can get msrp prices on there site. But I have heard you can get them cheaper from dealers

  19. Who thinks 2 12" Mayhems firing forward from the trunk would have been as loud as the 2 18's walled. I do, and I should have gone that route from the beginning. I'm not gonna do it, just that hindsight thing, ya know?

  20. 你的免费妓女会满足你在堵塞的厕所肮脏的浴室档

  21. Dying to get in contact with a box expert, especially someone who has dealt with 2 12s

  22. Dying to get in contact with a box expert, especially someone who has dealt with 2 12s

  23. Dying to get in contact with a box expert, especially someone who has dealt with 2 12s

  24. Dying to get in contact with a box expert, especially someone who has dealt with 2 12s

  25. Still baffled that more power lost me on TL, it has to be the non-matching subs...i thought it "wasnt a big deal" DD?  siigh, more money on stupid chit

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