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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Aint no felon Aint no crook Wake up in the mornin And feel like I look Grab my work boots Tie em up tight Pay my taxes So bola can eat tonight
  2. there is more to it than that. But its not my place to say since i get my info 3rd hand and im not playing telephone tag.
  3. the damn thing is this guy seem to be an awesome guy, built a lot of subs for a lot of people. probably even built steves level 5's in the dgaf trecel. and now there are all these hushed tones about how he may have been doing a bunch of shady shit on the side. gonna wait and see what happens i guess
  4. gonna dump some chili on this rum and dr pepper, lets see how this goes.

  5. also, this is the rep from the temp labor company we use. sometimes she buys lunch for "meetings" https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/v/l/t1.0-9/10394860_890804254264558_205181530777418451_n.jpg?oh=72b9f0eab931442301e9a653fd244679&oe=56E478E9
  6. only thing i am worried about is who is going to build my level 5's when i order them next year.
  7. letz see it go look yourself, im not your personal google.
  8. so did he get busted with weed and rolled on someone or what?
  9. considering who it was, im having a hard time wrapping my head around it.
  10. its raining here, i could sleep all day in this weather

    1. mcfalcon


      Here too. Wanted to go fish a pond I found in the woods yesterday but it hasnt let up here.

    2. audiofanaticz


      same. I was thinking about taking a nap too! lol

  11. sparkomatic ftw i cant really find an image of it, but it was a amp/eq. looked a lot like this one
  12. just find max undistorted with track 2 on your mid range outputs. Then play track 1 for your sub out at the same volume and turn up sub out till you find distortion then back it off one click if needed. edit: this is pretty much standard procedure for all headunits with sub out adjustments.
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