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Status Updates posted by scottam

  1. after a week of my house getting broke into and 14grand of my families things being taken from us im still pretty pissed!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. KnockinthaStreetzof608


      14grand in clothing?! holy crap

    3. scottam


      Haha not quite, about 500, the rest was my mothers jewelry and my grandmothers irreplaceable Italian gold jewelry, tvs, an Xbox, my old system, and finance records

    4. scottam


      Haha not quite, about 500, the rest was my mothers jewelry and my grandmothers irreplaceable Italian gold jewelry, tvs, an Xbox, my old system, and finance records

  2. ohhh DD why do you charge me 220 bucks to rebuild my sub when i bought it literally 5 months ago! cmon good customer warranty! =(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. KillaCam
    3. scottam


      i think after this 220 isnt a big deal.. it was a joke.. if im paying the money in the first place for DD products im for sure going to pay for one woofer to be rebuilt..


    4. n8ball2013


      since you need a basket it needs rebuilt no other way around it. only way to do that is to destroy the cone. cost of recone cost of basket yep 220 is on the money after shipping.

  3. back in the audio game after a year. pretty excited to be back!

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