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Status Replies posted by purplesyrup

  1. YOUTUBE: GREEDGT, Subscribe ;)

  2. trying to remember what subwoofer I was using as an ash tray back when I was 18, it was beefy, just can't freaking think of what it was

  3. Dear hangover, It has been great spending so much time with you today, But its really time for you to go back where you came from. Your starting to be to "clingy" and I really just need some space. Its not that I don't want to spend time with you, i'll probably see you again in a week or two. But for right now, its time for you to go. I've called you a cab and your things are all packed up waiting on the front porch.

  4. Well, my Jag will have a new engine in it complete on feb 9th, who thinks I should get a DDZ?

  5. Getting wood tomorrow :))))) new box is incoming, hell yeah!

  6. Decided to bust the rest out. Song uploading to youtube now

  7. Ive been watching Jackass for 4 hours now

  8. Still look like a chipmunk, feels bad man.

  9. if its not loud just say its an sq ride. That way you can look down at all the idiots who realized your failure

  10. you got me an orange peanut? an orange peanut? wow an orange peanut, I accept you

  11. Hey, just found out my car got featured on yourwhip.com ,  SWEET,  http://yourwhip.com/...er-purple-syrup

  12. Hey, just found out my car got featured on yourwhip.com ,  SWEET,  http://yourwhip.com/...er-purple-syrup

  13. Hey, just found out my car got featured on yourwhip.com ,  SWEET,  http://yourwhip.com/...er-purple-syrup

  14. Hey, just found out my car got featured on yourwhip.com ,  SWEET,  http://yourwhip.com/...er-purple-syrup

  15. Hey, just found out my car got featured on yourwhip.com ,  SWEET,  http://yourwhip.com/...er-purple-syrup

  16. I woke up because I heard loud POP, and then all of a sudden I could smell it smelled like someone was BBQ'in, then I realized OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH LOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRDDDDD THATS A KICKER SUB!!!!!!!!!!! I  WENT TO GO GRAB MY SMD 12" and then I realized there wasn't one.  Aint nobody got time for that

  17. who wants to see DC 9.0k guts?

  18. fordfusionclub.com update, some one watched some videos on youtube, they say its obnoxious and too loud

  19. fordfusionclub.com update, some one watched some videos on youtube, they say its obnoxious and too loud

  20. Now I remember why I dont post on fordfusionclub.com, there is a bunch of haters on there, I realized i never shared my build on there so I posted it,  and now all of a sudden im a huge idiot for building it, lol

  21. Now I remember why I dont post on fordfusionclub.com, there is a bunch of haters on there, I realized i never shared my build on there so I posted it,  and now all of a sudden im a huge idiot for building it, lol

  22. Now I remember why I dont post on fordfusionclub.com, there is a bunch of haters on there, I realized i never shared my build on there so I posted it,  and now all of a sudden im a huge idiot for building it, lol

  23. Now I remember why I dont post on fordfusionclub.com, there is a bunch of haters on there, I realized i never shared my build on there so I posted it,  and now all of a sudden im a huge idiot for building it, lol

  24. Now I remember why I dont post on fordfusionclub.com, there is a bunch of haters on there, I realized i never shared my build on there so I posted it,  and now all of a sudden im a huge idiot for building it, lol

  25. Now I remember why I dont post on fordfusionclub.com, there is a bunch of haters on there, I realized i never shared my build on there so I posted it,  and now all of a sudden im a huge idiot for building it, lol

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