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Status Updates posted by trunkbangking

  1. gonna do some speaker wire upgrades i think..wats a good size speaker wire to go with .??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Herokight


      2/0 or 3/0 if you can fit it.

    3. Johny B

      Johny B

      Sounds like you mean speakers and not subs. Id use 12awg for my mids and highs. If you mean subs id go 8awg. Or for your amps 0awg.

    4. Lbox88


      8 awg for subs, and I use 16 for my doors. 12/14 were impossible to run in my car.

  2. thinkin i mite do the bolt style terminal connection on my box..seems like what everyones doin..sounds logical.i dont care for the lil pieces of metal in most terminals

    1. SnowDrifter


      Those tiny terminals that will only take 14 ga? Hate them. I just did wires right through my box - didn't bother with bolts

    2. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      Go inverted...no more worrying about wires haha.

    3. Herokight


      It works atlot better from what I've seen. Better signal flow. The best signal flow is what SnowDrifter said, but it's all up to the installer. It really won't matter too much in a daily setup.

  3. tryin to figure out how to enter this system of the month contest

    1. Raptorman


      You need a builg log. Make a thread with pictures and whatnot of you building your system, and it has to be finished. Also I believe no bare boxes, just read the rules on it.

    2. OrionStang


      Start by reading the rules of SOTM.

    3. trunkbangking


      ok thanx..i was just readin and noticed...im bout to try and make a thread thanx

  4. i need a super bass box

  5. gettin my wires ready to do the big 3

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