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Mr. Darkjustice

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Everything posted by Mr. Darkjustice

  1. most of the ones you could hear the music the bass was in the 40hz range, so there lol
  2. pretty sure the second i played was HCP by Chrome. it was done by someone on this forum but cant remember who
  3. straight shot or stoppin overnight. when i came from MI to FL it was more of a pain in the ass to keep stoppin all the damn time instead of just driving straight here lol
  4. well theres always an exception to a rule. but generally speaking if you want the best results sealing is how you compare it. and did the first guy seal it everywhere it needed to be or just around the box. that ones a curious question lol
  5. locking mechanism will break. so will the trunks bracing. joints may give and your license plate wont like it too much either. all in all a fair amount of damage even if you deaden it lol
  6. how did he post drama, he had a situation and posted it on here asking for help, he didnt insult mechman or attack him. and obviously he thinks he may be gettin screwed over so gettin a discount wouldnt ease his mind lol
  7. from what i read in the OP's statement this is probably one of his first online/ phone transactions, and maybe hes seen the other threads about people ordering alts(in general) and bein sol because it started to become too late. i was paranoid about my first few big orders i made online and still am when i do them. that dont make him a bad person. i dont see why mechman would have to lie, but i also dont see why the OP would either, he posted it here knowing word would get out. so maybe this is just a case of miscommunication
  8. thats because most of the sound waves and pressure escape to the back of the box where you obviously wont get to enjoy them. i guess i couldve said the response is crappy and well as overall loudness type of box wont matter but if you want to face it forward it has to be sealed or youre wastin pressure and sound
  9. ill break it down sub port back = sounds good with the least effort sub port forward = sounds like crap unless its sealed off right then its the superior of configs sub port up and sub up port back = your trunk gettin ripped to shreds, breaking the locking mechanisms, and any sensors for it will go to crap lol
  10. yea someone explain how to meter meca a little more thoroughly? i dont understand it too much either lol
  11. when i said that i meant closer to orlando. theyre people around it but im about the only one within 10 minutes of it on this foru. most are 45 to an hour out
  12. im probably the only person actually AROUND orlanda thats on this forum
  13. lmao people do that with soccer and american football. one thing i wonder is how can it not be a trunk set up but it can be a 'trunk wall' when the whole box isnt technically even in the trunk.
  14. and the ones that say it that shouldnt(not that anyone should to begin with, but yea)generally get their jaw cracked if the right person hears it
  15. cadilacs and the new challengers. challengers have around 17.7cubes
  16. the hephaestian midbass looks like the result of someone's butt after ninja butt secks
  17. preference in taste. apparently all cigarettes taste differently
  18. i remember there bein some shit a while back about buyin cigarettes online and the sites not charging people the tax on them or some crap like that. all the people that bought from online were sent up shits creek. they had to go back and pay all the taxes that werent paid and i believe extra
  19. ive already told you what parts will rattle like no other. license plate is the number one problem area. that alone is loud enough to hear into the cable in fusions. the part where the license plate light is and the rear deck and speakers in it will rattle alot too, mainly cause how the 6x9s are mounted oh and i used 2 layers of dynamat on my trunk lid....didnt last long subs up port back lol
  20. the hangover scott pilgrim vs the world half baked dont be a menance to south central while you drink yo juice in the hood scareface.....guess i do have a 5th lol
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