whats the best budget 18s im planing on running 4
Im selling my fi 18's on here
i seen the Obsidian 18'' they look nice but 110 days is to far away and the 2.5'' coil seem to small
i hate the bl. i ran 2 of the 15's in my car on about 1krms each and was only getting 151's on dash with termlab, quite a let down vs my single smd.
what # are you geting out of the smd?
Hey everyone I'm on the top 16 for the $7500 dream system giveaway. Do a shout out for me on incriminator audio facebook page I'm 419gcs Andrew Ferrell thanks
i got 2 18'' fi bl d2 with Flatwind coil no cooling Hyper Pole and had 8k daily so why put btl parts, also seen on youtube jbl crown 6000 on 2 but he played 20hz to max them out