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Everything posted by ISO

  1. I like their sound man. Besides the mainstream I won't be much help but Hatebreed,Slipknot,Mudvayne,Darkest Hour,Pantera,Down,Slayer,Megadeth,and Metallica. I haven't had an underground seen to be part of so I'm so far out of the loop for underground metal its pitiful.
  2. Rockford has bass boost knobs or in your case a paramic EQ knob and most of the other companies have line level controls and they are not bass boost at all but they are dubbed bass boost though.
  3. Here, http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/23462-check-actual-ouput-of-an-amplifier/ Go to page 2 and look at post #29 and #30 and maybe more to get a better understanding of the different types of bass knobs that are out there. Read that acouple of times and you should understand things a little easyer as far as bass knobs go.
  4. Yes amping speakers, even stock speakers can make a world of difference. I have never found a substitute for good clean power. One of the things that will really help you out with stock speakers being amped is the crossover. If you know how to set up a crossover then you can make those stock speakers sound really good and play them louder and safer for a lot longer without damage.
  5. I would stay away from the Sound Storm amps. We used to install them and I don't have anything good to say about them.
  6. I have 2 American Bass VFL 10 inch subs. They come with no box plans and I want $150 a piece plus shipping so add $35 onto each one. 1500 watt RMS - 3000 watts peak. They do not have the holes drilled around the pole piece. http://www.americanbassusa.com/front/showcontent.aspx?fileid=71 http://www.americanbassusa.com/front/showcontent.aspx?fileid=35 Have only been used twice. PM if interested. They are dual 1 ohm. And to find a 3000 watt 10 or 12 is going to run you about $400 apiece.
  7. I've see it happen on cheap woofers before. A dual 8 ohm pyramid and it was measureing 16 ohms anyway I messed with it and yes it was a Dual voice coil woofer and its twin measured propperly and let me get 4 ohm or 16 ohms. Weird shit but its the nature of the beast.
  8. OK I'm wrong, it must have been close to a kilo.
  9. Dude is the amp you just got? http://forum.realmofexcursion.com/ampguts/37240-arc-audio-4000se.html Holy F'in Sheep shit man you are one lucky dude and I wish it was my buisness to know about this debt. WWWWWWWWWoooooooWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean DAMN did this dude owe you for a few ounce's of coke or something!!!!!!!!!!
  10. That ARC amp is the kind of amp that if you don't know what you are doing, you still keep it even if it has to sit in your closet. You just got youself a nugget of gold man.
  11. I'm under the impression that ARC is one of the best amps out there and to trade it out for a MTX product would be a big mistake. Arc= steak MTX= hamburger meat from McDonalds. Don't down grade.
  12. LOL aren't any of you guys gonna tell him why he has 2 sets of power and ground inputs on a 4,000 watt amp. You have an amp that is so powerful that you need 2 grounds and to power sources to make the amp perform at its fullest potential. That amp has enough power that it could smoke those 10s on the first bass hit so be careful and good luck. FYI good amp man.
  13. Here you go man. http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/72470-solo-classic-3-of-4-and-4-is-shipped/ and look for post #10 and it will have a link to my build log. The new build starts on page 5,6 or 7. I can't remember but all the pages have something to look at. I'm arleady on my truck so I will answer questions when I come in off and on. FYI Ported boxes designed for music can play really really low and on some occasions lower than a sealed box. I'm probably still going to buy a set of SC 15s but I want a new H/U 1st then new sub amps. RF BD cp's.
  14. Solo Classic=SC for now on. I'm the perfect guy for this as I am one of the biggest L7 runners on this site. Yes there are rumors that the SC will compete with the L7 sealed. Do I believe it NO not yet. am I going to beable to tell if its true? Probably not as everything will be different in this install. Will a SC go up against a L7 in a ported Box? Oh hell no. My Termlab numbers on 2 L7 10s ported with 500 watts@2ohm and shitty electrical was 142s and 144s. Wireing that same amp to 1 ohm nominal I have achieved 139 DB (with music not a test tone)with only one 10 but that was on an audio control meter. (and beat a shit talker that had 3 15 inch subs and more power.) But I was trained by guys that have spent their time at multiple world finals events. I'm expecting to be doing high 130s to low 140s with my new setup. Why the change? after running L7s since around 01 or 02 and running 4 out of the 5 different versions of the L7 I decided that I wanted a change and even though I can make L7s sound really good the SC was designed to be Kickers SQ woofer and will take all the guess work out of everything as far as designing a SQ system. I won't have to fiddle with box design. It will do what its supposed to do and thats it. No trial and error issues with the SC and originally wanted 15s with great SQ but if you research me you will find out that I am the 10 inch king in these parts besides Thorshamer (DC Level 5 10s) and I'm not going to do the math but I should have more cone area with my 4 10s verse 2 15s. Oh and I'm a Kicker fanboy. I'm heading out to work on the truck.
  15. A tip for later is to use blue painters tape to cover the area in the Pole.
  16. I wouldn't worry to much about the Fs man.
  17. Probably a very lightly damp paper towl man and a lot of patience. and a tooth pick or Q tip.
  18. Ya man I 3 here and the 4th will be here on Monday unless there is a delay in shipping.
  19. I like Scotch Brite pads. Why, Because you can't fuck up or if the drill gets out of hand and you don't have to worry about accidently cutting into the basket or notching it some place it ain't supposed to be notched at. LOL
  20. To my knowledge they are 2 different woofers and meant for two different applications. It has been so long since I have gone over the specs on the the GTi that I actually forget what is the best way to use it but I'm willing to say it is a more versatile woofer. The Solo Classic is designed for one app and one app only and that is a sealed box with a volume of 1.25 cubic feet and thats it. I'll have my 4 10s installed by tuesday and I will know more but playing with it in the house so far and I like my Solo Classics. The voice coils will take a ton of power but dropping 800 watts on a 450 watt driver I did notice was a little hard on the damn suspension and was pegging the cone on every hard drum hit but the VC was as cold as ice.
  21. Ya its early 2000ish. Oh ya thanks.
  22. My bad!!! Look at your own pic. Now imagine that you crossover dial has a clock over top of it. 12 is up, 6:00 is down, 3:00 is to your right and 9:00 is to your left.
  23. Somewhere between 10:00 and 12:00. To be honest after that advice it becomes a guessing game to all of us. I turn it up until I get what I call annoying bass amplified then I turn it down some till it doesn't annoy me. 100 hertz annoys me.
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