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Known Scammer
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Everything posted by XtremeSPL-SCAMMER

  1. with windchill.. we are at 35 degrees.. under partly cloudy skies... maybe snow after all
  2. uhmmm.. hate to burst your bubble.. cause i went through this a couple months ago.. Just because your car is fully covered.. doesnt mean the system is covered. The insurance company only covers what comes stock on the vehicle.. unless you have the system itself coverd on the policy, they will not replace it.. I had 2 powerbass 15's, 2 amps, my exclosure, broken window, wire, capacitor, and pioneer hed unit all stollen.. the only i got out of it was my window fixed. So.. please dont think you are going to get your system replaced.. but if the system was covered good shit..
  3. Thats my dog.. He is a studder... he has never not got anyone pregnant.. that people paid 300 bucks a session.. too bad she took after the first session.. i would have liked to get a few more.. but.. it is cool.. they had him for 2 days.. and they got it going on 3 times... then they wanted us to come pick him up, and i said if i come pick him up, thats the end of session one.. so we let him stay an extra day...
  4. damn.. thats a pretty impressive resume... my bad for not knowing you.. but i bow down to the massa...
  5. you would have to be a dumb mo fucker to touch something you suspect was used in a crime.. and i prolly would yahe left it where it was, or called the local authorities to come pick it up, so no kids come by and get hurt by it.. they pick it up and take it some where.. then when you watched the news you heard of this, and said, shit.. i should have done this or that.. but anyway.. like i said called the fuzz, and said i am at ( location of weapon) and i found this ( give discription) and leave it at that... let the fuzz handle it.. if they dont come get it.. leave it the fuck alone, you tried to get it disposed of..
  6. i hate to say this... cause i am new to the bass world... but who is micheal hughs??? other bthan what david said ^^^^^ but anyway... Welcome to SMD!!
  7. congrats david.. i never relized you are #1.. my bad bro.. you designed one hell of site though.. wanna design me one too ;p
  8. burrito: if you are looking for a chihua hua for your kid, we might be able to hook ya up.. this guy we know doesnt want a male.. and that all we have left.. both our females died.. so.. let me know.. we might be able to work out a good price for ya... we can talk more at Ar or something..
  9. x 3... have a safe trip there, and i hope you make a safe trip back.. I hope you are able to have internet and keep us posted on your journy there... Stay safe bro..
  10. yes... but you are in Oregon... your elevation is like... 4,000... my elevation is like... 92 feet.. see what i am saying..
  11. i said the exact same thing... it was clear the last 2 nights.. so.. then today it is pouring ass rain.. :I so.. i guess we will see if it snows tonite... it is fuckin cold out there.. i had to take my dog out to go potty, bout froze my ass off..
  12. LOL!!! thanks doug.. i will give ya a call later so i can get your address and i can mapblast it Sounds like it is going to be a fun event.. i have never played on a wii... so i will prolly be in the side lines for that one..
  13. yo!!... Fuck that... too damn cold.. i will stay my ass in cali..
  14. well.. i have been focusing on the weather as of late, because i only work when it is nice outside.. i have no clue why. But anyway.. they are calling for snow as low as Yuba city / marysville tomorrow nite ( tuesday nite) I live in the northern sacramento valley in between sacramento and chico. and i am at 92 ft above sea level... so it has to be pretty cold here to get snow.. the last time we had snow i was 8 years old.. so.. it was been a while since i am 26 now... I will post pics IF IT HAPPENS!!!
  15. we are not sure what happened.. i left this mornning puppy was fine.. and i came home this after noon puppy was fine.. my fiance comes home from work puppy is dead.. so.. we are not really sure what happened.. my room mate went into the room and said, mom was on top them earlier.. so.. we dont know if he got sufficated in the blanket or by mom.. but.. like i said.. we lossed it..
  16. the black puppy passed away tonite... so.. we are down to one.. and that is the brendle male..
  17. ohh yeah.. and she is EXTREMELEY protective over me and my fiance... me and my homeboy was fuckin around and she went after him..
  18. david, i hear ya.. mom of my dog was 1/2 red nose and 1/2 lab.. but dad was 100% red nose.. my girl is starting to get real mean too.. she jumps at people, and chased a kid cause he was in the yard.. i mena thats what i trained her for, cause people were comming in the yard stealin shit.. like my 2 powerbass 15's.. but she has never bit anyone.. but i am kinda scared i am going to have to put her down cause i dont want her to attack anyone.. she is cool to come people.. like white people she has no problems with.. but she hates hepanics and everykone else.. she will bark at anyone if they are close to the yard... she is extremely agressive toward other big dogs, but loves out chihuahuas to death.. she was raised with 12 of them.. but will will snap at them if they get too close to her food..
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