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06 Civic Build - New Build List on page 60

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Dude this is beautiful I love following this build it is ridiculously clean. Two questions though first I may have missed it but I read through and didn't see it, where did you get the cf material to wrap everything in? & two how hard is it to take apart the headlights and do it. I was thinking about doing this on my civic but I was going to purchase a set online that already had low beam halo and projector and just retrofit for the high beam halo and projector?

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2005 Honda Civic LX Coupe

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Dude this is beautiful I love following this build it is ridiculously clean. Two questions though first I may have missed it but I read through and didn't see it, where did you get the cf material to wrap everything in? & two how hard is it to take apart the headlights and do it. I was thinking about doing this on my civic but I was going to purchase a set online that already had low beam halo and projector and just retrofit for the high beam halo and projector?

I got it on ebay from a place called MetroRestyling.com I think I paid 18.00 for 2' x 2' or something like that, might have been more than that, maybe it was more like 48" x 24". Anyway, it's good stuff.

They were a little bit of work. Especially if you've never done anything like that before, which I have not. But with mine, I did those custom shrouds which is what took so damn long. Taking the headlights apart is intimidating, not easy not really hard, but just intimidating. Putting them back together is the real bitch of it! I'm hoping I did it right or I'll get some leakage, and then they'll fog up. I guess I'll know next time it rains! The biggest part of it, is the putting them on, taking them off to adjust them and get them straight. I should've gone to that parking lot and adjusted the height and rotation and got them dialed in before sealing them back up. That was the part about never doing it that I didn't know, but I do now. Otherwise it was pretty much plug and play.

The projector sits right in the standard 9006 hole after you take the light holder out. Then you tighten the nut on it and it's in. The only thing left is rotation and adjustment. You have to figure out a shroud, and I think most of our car people use the Gattling Gun shroud for ours. But any one you get, you're going to have to trim to make it fit our housings. I F-ed mine up, so I decided to make my own.

Honestly, it's not that hard. You could realistically do it in a weekend or less, if you don't get as crazy as I did.

I have the CCFL Angel Eyes and was going to put them in, then the more they sat there the less I liked it. So I sealed up the hole for the wire on each shroud and decided I'm gonna put em up for sale. I guess that's where the less is more theory comes in.

But if you can find someone that has them for a decent price, and you don't want to do the work, then go for it. I wanted to do the work on mine. I didn't want someonelses work. Not that others don't do a great job, but it's my pride in my work that I appreciate more. Plus the fact that I probably saved about 500.00 doing it myself. You're probably going to pay about 800.00 - 1200.00 depending on who you get them from, how good they are, and what products they use.

Hope that helps!

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Scooter. this build is simply amazing. ive never seen anything like this. BEAUTIFUL! and those leds look amazing. I love this build.. u my friend have an amazing eye for details.. everything u have done is perfect. :drinks:

My Truck Build
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At the end of the day for me its about the love of customizing anything and everything to limits or even past reasonable.-SkyHighCarAudio

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Yeah it looks intimidating as hell to do. I will attempt a lot of stuff but opening my headlights always made me nervous for the exact reason of living in Miami with the weather being as bad as it is sometimes.

2013 Dodge Charger

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Scooter. this build is simply amazing. ive never seen anything like this. BEAUTIFUL! and those leds look amazing. I love this build.. u my friend have an amazing eye for details.. everything u have done is perfect. :drinks:

First, congrats on your 100 post mark! Nice work!

I dont' know about it all being perfect, but for someone who doesn't do this for a living and has never had any training, I'm extremely pleased with the outcome. But as well, there are a lot of do overs you guys don't see either. Although I think I post most of them. It's like a big long looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg story for everyone to read! Kind of like a reality show!

See I don't believe in just showing the final pictures cause a lot of this stuff isn't as easy as it looks in a lot of posts. SO I want to make sure that newbies who are wanting to get out there and try something, know and understand the steps to take and what you're going to have to go through to get the final result. That's what I'm trying to provide. Also, by doing it the way I do, I can maybe go through the heartache of learning how "not to do" something so someone else doesn't have to go through it. Or at least provide a realistic experience of what you're going to "have to" go through. Hope all that makes sense!

That center console you just built, I guarantee in a couple weeks after having it in your truck, you're gonna wanna redo it. When you do the next time, you're gonna do it 100x's better than you did this one, cause you now know what it takes to get it done right and what could be done better in the future. I just happen to post those experiences as I go.

Thanks for checking in! Enjoy the ride, cause the best has yet to come!

Yeah it looks intimidating as hell to do. I will attempt a lot of stuff but opening my headlights always made me nervous for the exact reason of living in Miami with the weather being as bad as it is sometimes.

One of the things I did, for that exact reason (intimidating), is buy a second set of headlights for my car. That way, if I did F it up, I had a set to fall back on. Cost me an extra 100.00, but if you look at the whole project, you're saving several hundred by doing it yourself, so you can afford to give up that extra money for the extra headlights.

Now then, if all goes well, no fogging, or leaking, then I'll sell my extra housings and recoup some of that money. Cost a little bit more in the beginning, but you get some back along with the major return and reward of doing that big of a project by yourself!

I hope you do it! I know I don't regret at all doing it myself and if you're at all a little bit mechanically inclined, you can do it no problem. My advise to you though, is get the extra beutile rope that they sell at TheRetrofitSource, or go to your dealer and get some. You won't have the stress and worry like I do now in wondering if I'm going to have to open them back up and get it later. Just a little $.02 of mine!

Good luck!

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I will take all the 2 cents you can give and the advice. I am going to purchase a pair of the headlights that have the projector lows (changed my mind on the halo's too many guys go and them off ebay) and I am going to add the audi style LED strip and the projector on the highs. Not sure about what I'm doing to my turn signals yet but this looks like a pretty fun project and I can afford to fudge up a set of lights in the name of DIY... :lol: but since I am a :noob: I will be picking your brain with problems I am sure to run into, if you don't mind of course.

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Ok folks, so I've been driving my car now for about a week with the new lights. I can honestly say I'm not happy at the moment. I'm not liking the step down on the left side. I want it all one level. I know it's supposed to be there to not shine in the oncoming traffic's eyes, but there's no reason my light should be up high enough to be in their eyes. And frankly it's distracting to me. So what I may end up doing, is taking them apart again, and grinding down the step on it so it's all one level. Not going to be any time soon, but in the up and coming months most likely.

That's all I have. Still planning to start next weekend on the AUDIO PORTION of the build!

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IMHO, the cutoff isnt that bad, and would actually look better if there was a symmetrical cutoff on the opposite side. That way, you're not blinding pedestrians on the right side, same as not blinding folks on the left.

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Ya if it was symmetrical it would probably look better.

So just a little update. I did do a little bit this weekend. Not much worth showing. I did a little 1/4" foam board mock up of the tablet so I can test and look at the fit on the dash piece.

BUT, Houston we have a problem. It's a money problem. I've got my little girl's birthday coming up, Christmas coming up, my wife needs tires for her car, and we've got a family vacation coming up in January for my wife's birthday. So, me being the only one who can make overtime money in our family, somethings gotta give. That something is going to be the time to work on this build. So for now, things are going to stall out majorly for a while. I'm still going to try and work on it as I can get time to and when I do I'll post updates, but for the moment, don't expect much of a showing.

I'm also working on designing something that's going to make the trunk "pop" that much more when it's all done. I know alot of people are waiting for the audio on this build, and it's still coming and is still starting next weekend, actually technically it's already started, but it's just going to go much slower than anticipated for the first couple months. Hopefully I can find some time to get stuff done, but a brotha needs sleep too!

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