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I got pulled over today on my way to work...

the cop said I ran a red light, but it was yellow and there where other cars still cruising through the intersection and turning.

Meh, I think I was profiled because I was a kid in a cadillac with tinted windows in a goodie two shoe neighbor hood.

Well I got off with a warning because well it was yellow not red like the pig said.

And I got a 15 day fix it ticket. Either I take the tint off and have proof of it in 15 days or I get a fine.

Now the pig put a meter on my window and it read 29%.

My windows are tinted at 50% all the way around...

What gives?

I use to get harrassed years ago by the cops in my town for tint, but then I was running with 2.5%, 5%, and 20% which is understandable.

But I am legal 100% all the way around.

He had a black meter with a gray panel, and a square red button and a small lcd display.

Im pretty sure this is the same meter he used.. looks idenical


Now is this thing reading out the amound of light being let through the glass, or the light being blocked?

My windows look somewhat dark from the outside at night, but this happened in the day time. and in the day light looking out the windows you can barly tell they are tinted.



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fight the ticket... go to court, and say you are 100% legal.. i have gone to court about this.. and i won. california has strict tint rules.. but, it is easy to win. get your recipt of when it was done with the darkness %. as long as it says the price with the % they used to tint the windows, it is easy to get out of.


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plus my homeboy lives in Wisconsin Rapids, Wi.. he has told me there is no TINT law.. that they give you shit when they cant see in your vehicle, but no law saying that it has to be within a certain percentage.. Fuck the fuzz... fight the ticket. plus.. if it is illegal they shouldnt have tinted the windows in the first place.. tint shops are not allowed to tint anything that is illegal due to liability reasons.. if you got in an accident at night time, and hurt someone, and that tint was a contributi8ng factor, that shop could be sued for lots of $$$$

story short.. fight the ticket.. dont pay no 15.00 fixit ticket fee.. plus for a cop to go out and sign the ticket that said you corrected it will cost you 5 to 15 bucks. then the fact you just took 150.00 worth of tint off your window, that you paid to have tinted.. it is better to just5 fight it, and if the cops harass you next time, about your windows being tinted, just say give me a ticket, and i will see you in court for when i fight it.. i have already been to court on this tint matter before and i won.. they wont fuck with you again..


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Go there they have the laws for your state.

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There are laws in WI.

50% or lighter on front windows.

35% or lighter on the rear windows.

Im at 50% all the way around.

The running a red light was a warning, no fine.

The tint ticket is nothing right now, If I dont have proof of tearing off the tint on the front windows in 15 days they mail me a fine... I cant fight it until I get the fine tho.

But this is why Im asking about the tint meter they use, and if it detects the amount of light let through the glass, or if it detects the amount of light being blocked. Those are too different numbers. So if it is detecting the amount of light being blocked by the tint, and it says its blocking 29% I am by far legal with my tint and the cop dont know how to read the instructions for the meter.



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Usually if the window is dirty it will read darker, Ive known of some cops that will wipe their hand across it to make smears and causeing the meter to read darker than it is

Thats nice to know.....


Yea, I had salt on my windows from the road, the cop wouldnt retest after I asked him to on a clean spot either.

I went with 50% tint because it was legal in the front and far above being legal in the rears. I did not want to deal with this BS again and look whats happening.

If my windows where illegally tinted the cops in my town would have been on me about it the first day it was done. But no, I can go cruising from north to south side of town all night long at bar time and not get pulled over at all (which I love).

Edit: I can have any cop from any department sign off on the fix it ticket saying my car is legal I guess Ill try to find one I know and toss him a few bucks for his signiture of proof and avoid the ticket and being tintless.

Edited by audiofanaticz



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plus my homeboy lives in Wisconsin Rapids, Wi.. he has told me there is no TINT law.. that they give you shit when they cant see in your vehicle, but no law saying that it has to be within a certain percentage.. Fuck the fuzz... fight the ticket. plus.. if it is illegal they shouldnt have tinted the windows in the first place.. tint shops are not allowed to tint anything that is illegal due to liability reasons.. if you got in an accident at night time, and hurt someone, and that tint was a contributi8ng factor, that shop could be sued for lots of $$$$

story short.. fight the ticket.. dont pay no 15.00 fixit ticket fee.. plus for a cop to go out and sign the ticket that said you corrected it will cost you 5 to 15 bucks. then the fact you just took 150.00 worth of tint off your window, that you paid to have tinted.. it is better to just5 fight it, and if the cops harass you next time, about your windows being tinted, just say give me a ticket, and i will see you in court for when i fight it.. i have already been to court on this tint matter before and i won.. they wont fuck with you again..

youre serious? shops tint windows illegally ALL THE TIME. theres plenty of us on here with illegal tint, and shops put it on. min told me if i ever had a problem with cops, take it back and theyll redo it with 23%.

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