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term lab in sw Minnesota

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Not sure if this is the right part of the forums to be placing this in, if not im sorry, I was just curious if anyone who lives in sw minnesota like olivia or marshall or new ulm has a term lab that I could possibly get on for a little bit just to see what my system can currently do before I build my new box and get my alternator installed.

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I might have one sometime, a little ways away from you...


2004 Bagged Trailblazer

(4)18" Sundown Nsv3s
(4) Taramps HD10000s, Taramps DSP3000, Lanzar opti 250x2, AB 100x4
(2)DC power SP 270s, (14)XS Power d3100s, (1)d6500


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Hey, thanks for replying to my post I been doing some digging around on the net and closest t-lab I could find is only 20 minutes closer then you are if your location on your profile is right. the place I found wants to charge me 15 bux just to burp my system so with gas in my suburban that's a 50 dollar burp, I just can't believe the t-lab and car audio is so non existant out here in mn. the place I came from in Oregon had 3 term labs within 20 miles of eachother. The other audio shops I did happen to find in sw Minnesota had never even heard of a term lab (no joke)

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