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Honestly, I fucking sick of this of this republican democrat bull shit.....

People are so far stuck on the ends of the spectrum.....

What happened to be an American patriot? Neither side can be. I say fuck them both...... This lack of American patriotism makes me sick and glad I no longer have a commander and chief even though his administration stole over half my gi bill...... I paid money into it and lost it...... Explain that shit to me? Someone who's never paid taxes gets more school benefits than someone who is a combat vet with actual proof and has put money forward to going to school. I have zero racist bones in body. This has nothing to do with race, end of story.

This has to do with the fat pieces of shit in congress representing us in the house. In all honesty they make me sick as well...... I'm sick of old(58+) representing us. They have no clues with the future, only things to benefit themselves.....

Honestly..... Doing what I've done..... I hate this shit...... I'm sick of the fucking racism that was brought on but this zimmerman bull shit...... It makes me sick.... I don't hate anyone in-particular, just everyone.....

Why can't we just work together? I'm sick of the fat cats. If the younger generations work together and pay attention and work together we can do just fine. We know what needs to be done And we can make the sacrifice. If you don't like this, IDGAF.

just the start of the rant

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Yea I concur

Congress is only out for congress. Does not matter what you are affiliated with they are all corrupt.

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True but not everyone. The people who are not though aren't given the stage the corrupt are. Take for example the statement made about congress only being out for congress. What if I told you there was a congressman who is the only one in history to not once EVER vote to increase congressional pay. Not to mention opt out of a federal pension. But people still ostracize him. Why?

Here's why. Because Americans have become lazy, complacent, and self-entitled. We choose our mayors, governors, senate, congress and they are up for election. But when these politicians are led by greed, what do we do? Nothing. They stay in power because we LEAVE them in power.

Which leads me to the root problem of it all. The utter deterioration of social responsibility. Almost every problem our economy and society faces all stems from the lack of social responsibility. It's easy to say what other people are doing wrong, but what are we doing to fix it?

Yes, screw the people turning the zimmerman case into a stage for racist propaganda. Screw the politicians for taking wgat they want and screwing us all over. But what are WE doing to fix it? Screw ourselves for not fixing the issues.

Tell me...does this smell like chloroform to you?

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