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Second Skin Audio

No BASS?????

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im working on a 2012 Camaro and im leaving the stock deck in it, i am running a pac-soem for the line converter, a new Lanzar 1200, probabbly putting out 700rms (maybe), and that is pushing a Fusion Johum Lumas 15" with the max at 1600 watts. problem is there is no bass. i have some ideas but i need help to figure it out. I have never used a line out converter and i think im getting to much vocals from the rear speaker and not enough low end or maybe im i not pushing it hard enough. please let me know what you think....thanks guys

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Well if it clips like an 8 bottoming out it sounds like faulty equipment, I am not really familiar with the equipment you are using but if the sub is dvc you may just have a wiring issue or even a vc burned out.


Yeah, it's slower than your bowel movements.

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Why put such crappy equipment in a nice new car?

1998 Pontiac grand prix gtp supercharged2 12" Obsidain Audio V.1 on a 2011 zx1500.1 at 2 ohms. 20ft of Knuconceptz CCA 0 Guage. 2nd Battery is a Shurken BT-120. Box is 3.5cu tuned at 31.8hz sealed off from the trunk. 14sqft of Dynamat on the Rear deck top & bottom. Soon to be more for doors/roof. Gets low & loud

Did a 140.5 Sealed at Battle of the boom in June 2013 dropping to 12.7v (need a alt mines going bad)

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