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get him fired from his job

haha, ex did that to me. her time is comin shortly. i was the nice guy.

But yeah man. Since he's already out, I'd just change your number. Pretty much all you can do, without legal getting involved. If you do anything to him (physical or even get him fired) can be anything from assault to harassment. So unless you want to get revenge and look up all the laws (like sending racy pics is actually legal even if she doesn't consent since she gave up ownership when she sent to you), can't do much.

Only other thing I can think of would be pranks. If you know his number, can do prank calling sites. Record it for a win, haha. Just put in the number, it calls, does the prank (as long as the person answers), and at the end says the website (which sucks, but doesn't say who pranked him/her). I had 2 of my ex's talk once. Calls them both and as long as they both answer, that can get HILARIOUS.

So depends on you. Want to take the chance of getting the law involved? I don't know how much of a punk this kid is so if you even confronted him, he could go call the cops like a baby. If he isn't like that, then I'd beat his ass.

Sheena = pedobear

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get him fired from his job

haha, ex did that to me. her time is comin shortly. i was the nice guy.

But yeah man. Since he's already out, I'd just change your number. Pretty much all you can do, without legal getting involved. If you do anything to him (physical or even get him fired) can be anything from assault to harassment. So unless you want to get revenge and look up all the laws (like sending racy pics is actually legal even if she doesn't consent since she gave up ownership when she sent to you), can't do much.

Only other thing I can think of would be pranks. If you know his number, can do prank calling sites. Record it for a win, haha. Just put in the number, it calls, does the prank (as long as the person answers), and at the end says the website (which sucks, but doesn't say who pranked him/her). I had 2 of my ex's talk once. Calls them both and as long as they both answer, that can get HILARIOUS.

So depends on you. Want to take the chance of getting the law involved? I don't know how much of a punk this kid is so if you even confronted him, he could go call the cops like a baby. If he isn't like that, then I'd beat his ass.

He pays for an anti spam cell thing. It wont even answer unless he has you number and no bombing or some crap like that

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Well then nevermind on the prank calling site crap. Just leaves if you either wanna risk getting the law involved cause you beat his ass or do you wanna think about revenge, as in what you wanna do, then look up the laws. America is land of the loopholes. I got charges pressed on me because I pulled a gun out on someone once. "No self-defense law in this state" Really? Amendment number two. Think the US constitution over rules a state law, federal over state? All charges dropped/found innocent. $0 in fines, 0 hours of community service, etc etc. Go take your "no self-defense law in this state" and shove it up where the sun don't shine.

Another example is those pictures. If I send them to friends who in turn somehow get it back to her, she could get harassment charges or some crap put on me. But loopholes, she gave up ownership of the pictures when she sent them to me. Can't do a damn thing but tell me to f off.

So really man, I do feel bad for you cause that'd piss me off. But all you can do is beat him and/or change the number.

Sheena = pedobear

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Well then nevermind on the prank calling site crap. Just leaves if you either wanna risk getting the law involved cause you beat his ass or do you wanna think about revenge, as in what you wanna do, then look up the laws. America is land of the loopholes. I got charges pressed on me because I pulled a gun out on someone once. "No self-defense law in this state" Really? Amendment number two. Think the US constitution over rules a state law, federal over state? All charges dropped/found innocent. $0 in fines, 0 hours of community service, etc etc. Go take your "no self-defense law in this state" and shove it up where the sun don't shine.

Another example is those pictures. If I send them to friends who in turn somehow get it back to her, she could get harassment charges or some crap put on me. But loopholes, she gave up ownership of the pictures when she sent them to me. Can't do a damn thing but tell me to f off.

So really man, I do feel bad for you cause that'd piss me off. But all you can do is beat him and/or change the number.

USA land of loopholes I like lol but i think you right. On a side note someone got to him before i did already. Someone scrated 2 big penis's into the hood of his car like crossing swords so deep he couldn't buff it out

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It's true isn't it? I mean there are so called definitive laws that cannot be broken like "No self-defense in this state". Ok so if you kill someone or whatever in self defense in that state, doesn't matter. You will be charged with assault or whatever it may be. Well, if you use a gun, Amendment 2 triumphs over that. All you gotta say is "I was in fear for my life, he was coming at me with no regard for anything. I did what I had to do in order to continue living." Boom. That no self defense crap doesn't exist anymore. And if it doesn't work? Just appeal it and go to the supreme court where there's been countless cases for that. "Speed limit 45" but you do 55, cop pulls you over and you give a good reason? Wife is pregnant, something like that? Probably let you off, if it's a good day. Loopholes like no other in this damn country. Only country I know of that you can be one retarded person and get rich cause of it. Sue McD because you got coffee and spilled it on yourself which burnt you so you win millions. Wtf type of crap is that?

Sheena = pedobear

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