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so... the new Behringer desk

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Im not sure how many Pro audio guys are actually on here or not but I thought I would bring it up anyway.

I have litrally just put the deposit through for the new Behringer x32 console, I have a personus StudioLive already and was really interested in what this desk could do compared to it.

I know berry isnt excatly known for its reliability or sound quality but im hoping the having bought out midas they will step up their game with this desk and with the reviews I have been reading about this desk I have to say that it looks like they have come out with a really good solid product that is going to easily stand up the the presonus.

I think its safe to say that this desk is almost on the same level as the LS9, by the looks of it, the 'channel strip' on the Berry looks like is going to be easier to use then the LS9, because it has seperate controls for all the features not one set that changes as to what you have selected, the only down side is that it doesnt have the amount of faders that the LS9 32 has, but that's a small price to pay compared to the massive saving you are making.

The Presonus has met its match now I think, but I will report back when I get the desk and I will do a side by side demo of the two ( I might even set up some v-dosc and test on them to see what they really sound like compared to my xl8) but for the price I dont think you can beat the Berry desk. One of the big positives I like about it is that it comes with a card that allows you to have USB or firewire recording straight out of the box! this is amazing and something the LS9 is lacking hugly.

Whats everyone's opinions on the X32? I would really like to hear them

oh and excuse the spelling/grammar :)

PSN: Rcp_soundz

Good rule of thump is go by what fuse size is being used in these amps. The higher the more amperage it pulls, this is what I look at.

I'll stick a 300 amp fuse in a potato and sell it to you for $2k.

1991 Mazda 323VERY small build thread here: http://www.stevemead...23-small-build/

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Im not sure how many Pro audio guys are actually on here or not but I thought I would bring it up anyway.

I have litrally just put the deposit through for the new Behringer x32 console, I have a personus StudioLive already and was really interested in what this desk could do compared to it.

I know berry isnt excatly known for its reliability or sound quality but im hoping the having bought out midas they will step up their game with this desk and with the reviews I have been reading about this desk I have to say that it looks like they have come out with a really good solid product that is going to easily stand up the the presonus.

I think its safe to say that this desk is almost on the same level as the LS9, by the looks of it, the 'channel strip' on the Berry looks like is going to be easier to use then the LS9, because it has seperate controls for all the features not one set that changes as to what you have selected, the only down side is that it doesnt have the amount of faders that the LS9 32 has, but that's a small price to pay compared to the massive saving you are making.

The Presonus has met its match now I think, but I will report back when I get the desk and I will do a side by side demo of the two ( I might even set up some v-dosc and test on them to see what they really sound like compared to my xl8) but for the price I dont think you can beat the Berry desk. One of the big positives I like about it is that it comes with a card that allows you to have USB or firewire recording straight out of the box! this is amazing and something the LS9 is lacking hugly.

Whats everyone's opinions on the X32? I would really like to hear them

oh and excuse the spelling/grammar :)

My buddy has one coming in as well, his should be here by the end of the month. He just bought a pair of iNuke amps (i3000 and i6000) for his small rig. Plus the company I work with is getting a Soundcraft Si Compact 32-channel as well, so that will be fun to play with as well, haha. Definitely going to do some comparison shots.


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Im not a fan of the SI compact. The screen is tiny! the iNuke amps are beasts!!! and for the price they are even better

PSN: Rcp_soundz

Good rule of thump is go by what fuse size is being used in these amps. The higher the more amperage it pulls, this is what I look at.

I'll stick a 300 amp fuse in a potato and sell it to you for $2k.

1991 Mazda 323VERY small build thread here: http://www.stevemead...23-small-build/

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  • 3 weeks later...

Im not a fan of the SI compact. The screen is tiny! the iNuke amps are beasts!!! and for the price they are even better

Dan got his Si compact in, but he has to wait a month for the case for it to come in. Yeah, it does look small, but it's probably better for his band to haul that around, versus their current Spirit 8 32ch (nice board though) and two racks of EQ's, processing, etc.

I have yet to actually hear the iNuke's yet, my buddy has a 3000 on a set of JBL JRX115's (bleh) and the 6000 is going on a pair of JBL sub cabs (forgot what he told me...) I was thinking about looking at them for a slightly larger rig with the Tour X line and using my LiveX's for foldback...


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meh behringer is a crappy company haha. and those inukes sound quality is poor :c only good for sub duty.

Behringer hasn't been the best by far :lol: But I really am interested to see if this board is worth the cardboard it will (hopefully) be shipped in...A comparison between the X32, the Soundcraft Si Compact 32, and the Studiolive 24.4.2 hopefully will be coming soon.


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i think everyone knows behringer for its rather shittyness. but for that price?! fuck its worth a try haha

PSN: Rcp_soundz

Good rule of thump is go by what fuse size is being used in these amps. The higher the more amperage it pulls, this is what I look at.

I'll stick a 300 amp fuse in a potato and sell it to you for $2k.

1991 Mazda 323VERY small build thread here: http://www.stevemead...23-small-build/

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  • 3 months later...

Update time

I've been using this desk for a wile now. And I can not find a single thing wrong with it!! I have had engineers from large bands thr have toured the world many many times play on it and they are happy with the sound of it aswel as te effects even. For te price they were amazed.

I have run the desk to its max and it didn't seem to struggle at all, not even a smidge.

Was using all 32 inputs an recording all 32 through FireWire, I had a graphic over left and right although I had some BSS outboard ones anyway, I just wante to see what it could handle. I was using 3 of the effect units, reverb, and two precision compressors (again I wanted to see how they did) i was then using all 6 TRS inputs as effects as I had my normal pedals and the opening acts engineer had his aswel

The desk was running hard for many hours and didn't get overly warm, nothing crapped out.

It was simply amazing to be honest, the other engineer asked for a I-live or a SC48 we could supply him with ether. But after hearing my sound check he wanted to try the behringer. Now, we did have the behringer and a xl2000 set up as front of house. Both were independent and change over would simply be changing the multipin. I sound checked on both desks. Te XL was nicer for sure but it is a wonderful wonderful desk and the behringer actually didn't do too bad compared to it

Before anyone bitches about why I was using the behringer over the XL, it was because it was a charity event that we do every year, we supply all the gear for no cost as my family has been heavily effected by the cancer we are fundraising for. So this is why I used the behringer. I wanted to see what it could do in a big situation and it did well.

Both the iPad and iPhone app are great. The iPhone one expecially. Which I think is such a fucking good idea

I would 1600000% recommend this desk, I seriously can not fault it for the price and I trust it more then enough to stop throwing the Gl2800 in the truck just incase...

Anybody else used the desk yet? If not you should... It's fantastic

(Everything in my post is reletave to the price of the console, I have mixed on Xl2000's and the VI series and even a pro 6, so I know it isn't top of the top but to the price I can not see an issue. Perfect for a small audio company or a band)

PSN: Rcp_soundz

Good rule of thump is go by what fuse size is being used in these amps. The higher the more amperage it pulls, this is what I look at.

I'll stick a 300 amp fuse in a potato and sell it to you for $2k.

1991 Mazda 323VERY small build thread here: http://www.stevemead...23-small-build/

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thread useless without pics!

I'm on mobile at the moment boss. Ill get some put up soon!

I've got this one on my phone at the moment though from a smaller gig we do every weekend. It's a summer outdoor gig thing for the council


PSN: Rcp_soundz

Good rule of thump is go by what fuse size is being used in these amps. The higher the more amperage it pulls, this is what I look at.

I'll stick a 300 amp fuse in a potato and sell it to you for $2k.

1991 Mazda 323VERY small build thread here: http://www.stevemead...23-small-build/

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