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Loud & Low 8th Gen Civic - Time to say good bye to her.

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damn nice work man, love the way that fence came out! lol even had a flashback to when I had to help my dad use those damn blocks for the walls in our backyard.

2002 Honda CR-V
Alpine 9887

My Build


Second Skin Damp
4 DC XL 15's
2 DC 5ks
Singer 320 amp
6 cap banks
Sky High wire
2 VM-1's

all under window line

Team DC Audio

Obama has a law he's trying to pass right now, trying to ban Leo for being a threat to children everywhere.

EDIT: Not in a JP kind of way.

I thought I was going to die from all the jizz filling my ears.

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Then I did the divider fence between our neighbors and us. Of course I forgot to get finished pics cause I finished it by the light of my drill the other night! LOL! I was supposed to go back Sunday but I'll get to that in a moment!




This is the neighbor kid. He has autism. Was so excited to watch me. Felt good to make him happy with something as simple as doing my work.




So I started picketing the fence that afternoon and like I said, I had finished at dark so I didn't take any pictures. I had planned to go back on sunday morning before the superbowl to clean up the dirt piles, and trash and do a dump run with the panels from the divider fence, and for those of you who have my facebook saw what happened next.

To give you an idea of where we're moving, it's about a 30 minute drive to the other side of Sacramento from my current house. So when I left Sunday morning I had forgotten my power nozzle for the hose to wash off the sidewalk when I was done. So I stopped at the Home Depot close to the new house. Well, when I came outside, I found my truck smoking from the engine bay. Popped open the hood real quick to find flames coming from the Gen 2 alternator! Sorry didn't stop to take pics! So I ran into the Depot yelling "my truck is on fire, I need a fire extinguisher to which the retards said they're on aisle 1. So I said back no not one to buy I need an extinguisher now, my truck is on fire now! Same thing, So I sprinted across the store, yes sprinted, to Aisle 1 where the customer service guy saw me running asking me what the problem was and I said the same thing to him. He runs me down to the extinguishers and grabs one, and before he has time to ask me or tell me anything I ripped it out of his hand tearing it apart as I sprinted across the store to put the fire out in my truck. Fucking idiots!

So anyway, when all was said and done this was the damage!



Called the fire department to make sure all was good, which they were cool about things. Said I did great, and did exactly what I should've done. Probably saved my truck and the store as well as the cars next to me. No thanks to the Home Depot idiots!


So what happened you ask? Well I'm guessing one of two things in multiple combinations. First off it's the Gen 2 Alternator that is in the truck. I've talked about this before in my truck log. They were known to cause fires, and while I was planing to do the build in it before when we were talking about selling the car, I was going to change it out to a 3g or 3rd generation alternator, for safety and for higher power. Well I didn't do it. So that combined with the two D6500s in there, I'm guessing was just too much for the alt. But things could've been so very much worse.

Three consecutive days prior, I was in there and lowes for an hour at least each time getting materials for the fence. Could've gone up then. Could've happened at my house where it's parked right next to my bedroom. Could've happened on the freeway where I had no access to an extinguisher, or with my kids or family in the truck. So I'm lucky. Very very very lucky. It's at the shop now and I'm waiting to hear about the cost of fixing it. It's actually at an electrical shop to see what more damage it caused other than surface. Surface is a few air hoses, the alt of course, all the power wires to the vehicle on that side, and the harness to the alt. i did loose one of the D6500's. Well not lost cause it still works, but I don't trust it. Check it out.

One on the right is good, left is damaged.


Closeup of it.


I'll email XS and see what they say about it. But I'm almost sure it can't be used.

Anyway, so that's all the surface damage as well as a little paint discoloration on the hood. But, I don't know if there was any damage to the computer or anything like that. So that's why the electrical shop has it. We also have to decide if the cost is going to be worth it. We've sunk a ton of money into getting it back to good and nice running, and I still have the lift to put on it etc. So I'm gonna fight to keep it. I'm sure I can do most of the work to fix it, I just want to make sure it's not done any damage internally to the electronics of the system. So I'll wait to see what the estimate is.

Then the Niners lost the SuperBowl, which just topped off a shitty day!

I'll get some pics of the fence done when I get back there. I was there yesterday to finish cleaning up, but forgot to take pics of the fence.

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So, onto some good news, or better news anyway. I did get in the D4700 while I was in San Diego. So that's the final piece to the puzzle, or it is until I decide if I need a second battery in back now to replace the lost D6500.



So that's all I have now. You're all up to date!

I did just get a call just now from the shop and they're still doing the estimate but have to go down into the harness for the starter to see how far the damage is for that cause the harness is burned up top. They said all the parts are readily available except a hose for the smog pump. SO I'm going to probably have to go to a wrecking yard for that. Would suck if I can't find one of those. So we'll see.

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I'm still not sure what I want to do about the battery though. I guess the D6500 combined with the D4700 up front as well as the H/O Alt will be ok yeah? What do you guys think? I also had thoughts of 4 D925s (2 on each side of the trunk stacked ). That would for sure give me enough power. But I'm also not competing so I'm guessing it should be good with what I have.

Also forgot, Sonic came through and I can send the head unit back. That's a good thing!

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Ok so a couple of things going on. It's been a busy damn week and weekend! I can't seem to get out from under the "black cloud" but I'm trying to stay positive because it can't possibly stay like this forever.

So let's start with the the car. So I'm home sick Tuesday and Wednesday, on top of the truck fire on Sunday. Ya know enough is enough already! Monday night felt like absolute shit! Tuesday no better but Tuesday night was starting to feel a little better. Woke up Wendesday not feeling so great and decided to take another day off, but still had to take my kids to school. My 8 year old, Brynn, went to go get in the car on her normal side (passenger rear) and yelled out "daddy there's a big dent in your door"! So I walk around the car to see this shit!


Size comparison to my finger


So I was like WTF!!!!????!!!! My alarm never went off, I didn't notice it the night before, so I don't know what happened. Then she says "oh no look at that dad"! I look up and find this shit! One more layer of cloud!


Here are some more pics of it, basically the only thing holding it together was the tint on the rear window and the heater strips on the glass.




Inside shots



So now I have no second vehicle cause my truck is at the shop getting fixed, and my wife has already left for work! I ended up borrowing my grandmother's car, who lives about a mile from me, so I could take them to school cause as I backed out of the driveway I could hear the window flexing, and I don't have any bass yet!

So I call my insurance company and file my claim, and the glass guy comes out that afternoon and fixes it.

Taking it out


ready for new glass



and fixed


Well in the meantime I found out that there were other areas that had been hit by folks and about 7 cars had gotten hit that night before. But we couldn't figure out what had caused it until I stepped on this!


Checked the dent in the door, and it was a perfect fit!


Never found the second one, but it's there somewhere I'm sure. Anyway, looks like they were using a sling shot or wrist rocket or something. Punk asses! I'd love to catch them in the act! Grab em and break my back window again with their forehead!

So I still need to get the rear window retinted and figure out what to do with the dent. But in the meantime it's back on the road.

Truck will be ready Thursday or Friday. That's a good thing! Right now it's really needed! So that's some good news!

Then today I was finishing setting the posts for my gate, and I dig some serious post holes for these bad boys! 6" x 6" x 8' posts and 12 x 12 x 26 holes for them. I'm hanging a 4' man gate on one side of one, and then other side of it will hold a 6' portion of a 12' double gate. The other post has the actual fence and the second portion of the double gate. These babies aren't going anywhere!

So anyway, I ran out of concrete, so I had to go get some! Obviously I had no truck, so I had to use the car!

No load


load, 300 lbs of concrete and about 50lbs of paint and other stuff. Plus my daughter in the back seat.


She was ridin low!!! Kinda liked the look! Really makes me think about hydraulics or bags for sure! Plus the fact that as low as I am, I have to raise it up a bit cause I scrape now going into my new garage cause the driveway is so steep. So hydro's or bags would allow me to raise up to park it, and then drop down to drive it! Mmmmmmmmmmmm


That's the other thing, I think it's time for some new wheels! These are damaged and I'm kind of tired of them. I want some more business, black still cause I think the black on this color gets it done, but I want more business to the wheel. Just tired of the simplicity of the 6 spoke look. Suggestions, I'm listening!

My daughter had to get in the mix! Sittin low but she can still get under the bumper! My fat ass cant! LMAO!


I think that's about it. I have a box design, I have a trunk design, I am ready to go, and I just need to get this damn move done! I wanna get started already!

Thanks for checking in!

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