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Fecupe2001, 2 15´s on a 2K , TERMLAB Scores @ page 4!!!

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That looks loud haha

let´s hope it´s loud as it looks lol, hey no more updates with the c-pillar wall?

I´m the SPL Gains topic creator!! wanna get louder?? check this: SPL Gains. Panamenian 2009 & 2010 & 2014 Bass Race 149.9 Champion!

2 15" subs and a 2K wired at 1 ohm, http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/167788-fecupe2001-2-15s-on-a-2k-video-on-page-3/

8 Massive 15" subs and small power, http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/179296-fecupe2001s-8-15s-4th-order-bandpass-wall/


thanks a lot good sir :)

I´m the SPL Gains topic creator!! wanna get louder?? check this: SPL Gains. Panamenian 2009 & 2010 & 2014 Bass Race 149.9 Champion!

2 15" subs and a 2K wired at 1 ohm, http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/167788-fecupe2001-2-15s-on-a-2k-video-on-page-3/

8 Massive 15" subs and small power, http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/179296-fecupe2001s-8-15s-4th-order-bandpass-wall/


Time for some amps cooling system, since it´s a very small car and i didn´t want people to see my mids/highs amps (remember that i sell loudforce, but i don´t want to spend money on new amps since i have a bunch of multichannel amplifiers on my storage lol) i wanted to get them under the box, for this, i got a bunch of chinese cheap ass fans , they costed like 1.25$ a piece hehe.



My good buddy Rogelio wiring them up while i was building the box :)



I´m the SPL Gains topic creator!! wanna get louder?? check this: SPL Gains. Panamenian 2009 & 2010 & 2014 Bass Race 149.9 Champion!

2 15" subs and a 2K wired at 1 ohm, http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/167788-fecupe2001-2-15s-on-a-2k-video-on-page-3/

8 Massive 15" subs and small power, http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/179296-fecupe2001s-8-15s-4th-order-bandpass-wall/






These little things spit air like crazy , didn´t need some fans to get the hot air out since i have room from them to the bottom of the box, the almani is going for the Powerbass 4xl 6" mids on the front doors and the bullet tweeters on the box i built, the JBL is going for the 4 PRV Audio 6" mids

I´m the SPL Gains topic creator!! wanna get louder?? check this: SPL Gains. Panamenian 2009 & 2010 & 2014 Bass Race 149.9 Champion!

2 15" subs and a 2K wired at 1 ohm, http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/167788-fecupe2001-2-15s-on-a-2k-video-on-page-3/

8 Massive 15" subs and small power, http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/179296-fecupe2001s-8-15s-4th-order-bandpass-wall/


Time for the most important thing, the box :)

These are my new babies, not much, they are 750 watts 3" VC but definitely sound amazing and take TONS of abuse


1 ohm final load FTMW!!! i can demo all day long without getting anything hot...


3/4" MDF, this is a budget build and wanted to keep it that way, since i don´t care about numbers on this build, the plan was to fit some nice bracing inside the box using a few 2x4s



I´m the SPL Gains topic creator!! wanna get louder?? check this: SPL Gains. Panamenian 2009 & 2010 & 2014 Bass Race 149.9 Champion!

2 15" subs and a 2K wired at 1 ohm, http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/167788-fecupe2001-2-15s-on-a-2k-video-on-page-3/

8 Massive 15" subs and small power, http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/179296-fecupe2001s-8-15s-4th-order-bandpass-wall/


As you can see, i don´t have a shop or anything, like 100% of my boxes, they are all built on the parking of my building lol, wish i have at least a nice table where i could work, but who cares? they get loud anyway :)


Looks big right?


That´s a big ass box for 2 15´s if you ask me!




I´m the SPL Gains topic creator!! wanna get louder?? check this: SPL Gains. Panamenian 2009 & 2010 & 2014 Bass Race 149.9 Champion!

2 15" subs and a 2K wired at 1 ohm, http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/167788-fecupe2001-2-15s-on-a-2k-video-on-page-3/

8 Massive 15" subs and small power, http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/179296-fecupe2001s-8-15s-4th-order-bandpass-wall/


Box looks good. So how big is this box?

My Build Log- T E A M S U N D O W N A U D I O -

2013 DbDrag WF SS1-2 - 5th Place 154.6db

2013 MECA Mod3 CA State Final Champ 153.4db

Powered by: Sundown Audio


Box looks good. So how big is this box?

thanks man, i love how that thing ended , more pics in about 10 seconds when i figure out wtf is happening with my internet lol

Box is 9.4 cubic feet after displacements, the 2x4s are taking a lot of room lol, externally is: 18.5" tall (double baffle) x 36" wide x 35" depth

I´m the SPL Gains topic creator!! wanna get louder?? check this: SPL Gains. Panamenian 2009 & 2010 & 2014 Bass Race 149.9 Champion!

2 15" subs and a 2K wired at 1 ohm, http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/167788-fecupe2001-2-15s-on-a-2k-video-on-page-3/

8 Massive 15" subs and small power, http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/179296-fecupe2001s-8-15s-4th-order-bandpass-wall/


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