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Why I think Obama Is the best president of our generation.

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Sickbass has obviously been brainwashed from watching to much liberal democratic horse shit. Im going to just let his ignorance go by the way side. I actualy feel sorry for sickbass not having a clue about previous presidents or what the hell he is talking. Its gotten so bad, when i hear the name Oscama i mean Obama all i can do is LMFAO.

you say i've been brainwashed by the liberal democratic horse shit and say i'm ignorant to previous presidents.

yet i don't see you even attempting to give anything that resembles an educated reply illustrating your viewpoint.

resorting to aggressive behavior and derogatory language is at best and ignorant man's last resort.

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obama is not Christian.. the pledge of allegiance have been banned from schools because in it, it says under god.. what a fool

This country was founded on the idea of freedom of religion, not the freedom of outing others and forcing your religion upon them. I'm all for leaving "under god" out of the pledge.

regardless of how you see it.. its not the same religion but its the same god they pray too.. and its not forcing religion on anyone by saying under god....

even the agnostic and atheists? even buddhists? . this last reply of yours is ignorant at best sir. I'd kindly suggest you learn a cursory lesson on the numerous different religious views in this country.

im atheist and never did it cross my mind to go to church because our dollar bills say in god we trust.... i fail too see how they are forcing me to go to church and join a religion.. its dumb asses that think that way.... oh im going to church because my dollar say in god we trust.... my point is that he is destroying what this country stood for.. could care less if the dollar has god in it or the pledge of allegiance

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and its not forcing religion on anyone by saying under god....

Umm yes it is.

how the fuck is it forcing religion on anyone by saying that..... forcing you to do something is by force... it dont say to go with god or be dead.. thats the problem.. people always think they are forced in one way or another or get offended by minor shit... never have i felt to be forced to be part of a religion or believe in god because its in our pledge of allegiance or in our us dollar

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I'm not forced to do anything.......pushing beliefs is what it does I should say.

i can see that but the other guy said it was forcing religion

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and its not forcing religion on anyone by saying under god....

Umm yes it is.

how the fuck is it forcing religion on anyone by saying that..... forcing you to do something is by force... it don't say to go with god or be dead.. that's the problem.. people always think they are forced in one way or another or get offended by minor shit... never have i felt to be forced to be part of a religion or believe in god because its in our pledge of allegiance or in our us dollar

you've obviously never felt the brunt of little christian kids looking down on you and belittling you because you don't believe the same way they do.

just because your little rose colored existence is good doesn't mean everyone else's is.

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I'm not forced to do anything.......pushing beliefs is what it does I should say.

i can see that but the other guy said it was forcing religion

i used "focing religion" in place of "forcing religious beliefs" . but the point should have been clear either way.

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obama is not Christian.. the pledge of allegiance have been banned from schools because in it, it says under god.. what a fool

This country was founded on the idea of freedom of religion, not the freedom of outing others and forcing your religion upon them. I'm all for leaving "under god" out of the pledge.

could you please define "god"?? every religion known to man kind has one 'ultimate' god...even atheists ....not trying to get agressive, just putting my own, researched and studied upon opinion

i don't know what it is about 8's....one day i am gonna do a build with a LOT of them.

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