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Upgrading finally.

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Havent built a pc in a long time. Still using my core 2 duo q6600 and a 9600gt.

So i need some help cause i havent paid any attention to the pc industry at all.

I have a intel I5-4430 Just need help picking out a motherboard and video card.

I would like to stick with nvidia for the video card and as far as i can tell this motherboard looks decent enough to me.

Just for playing video games and interwebs.


edit: edit: and this ram.http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148545

You guys have a better idea let me know. Lets not spend too much money though lol.


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geforce 750 ti only 159.99 about the same performance as a 7850 from Amd or geforce 660 from Nvidia doesn't require external power connectors.

geforce 760 only 259.99 a geforce 670 that is clocked higher.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130921%C2'> geforce 770 only 339.99. Moght bottleneck your cpu with this one.

Any one of those that fit your price range would work nicely with that motherboard and ram and cpu.

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