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Measuring a headunit only

1. This procedure will determine where the maximum unclipped volume setting of the headunit is. This is accomplished by setting the bass, treble, ect, to zero; and any EQs and crossovers in the headunit to flat. Later, when you set the amplifier gain(s); you can reset these to where you feel the customer will set them, or where you will set them for your own system.

2. Next you need to connect the DD-1 to the headunit’s outputs. Just plug the RCA outputs into the RCA input of the DD-1. If you are using speaker level outputs from the headunit, use the included harness. Red to speaker (+) and Black to speaker (-).

3. Play track 1 on test CD, turn the volume control up until you see the signal detect LED illuminate.

4. Continue turning up the headunit and you should see the 40Hz Detect LED illuminate.

5. Slowly continue turning up the headunit until the Distortion LED illuminates, then turn headunit down slowly until it goes out. Note the volume setting.

6. Next change the track to track 2. Repeat the steps 3-5 above, this time noting the 1kHz Detect LED.

7. Now take the noted maximum volume settings from the 40Hz test and the 1kHz test and average them. This is your maximum undistorted volume setting for the headunit

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yes know about step 2 from the manual but which outputs are they referring to? im taking the rcas from the front right channel and plugging it into the dd1, doing the same with the sub output. i just need to know which one i should use. LPF on HU is set to "through"

Edited by cannabispinoy
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