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Kyblack76 last won the day on January 18 2024

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About Kyblack76

  • Birthday 02/10/1976

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  1. Ya wanna "strap" 2 half bridge boards......... Read that again, please. If your dead set, on wanting to strap, 2 half bridge boards,........ Then watch, and enjoy. Let us know how it goes. Cheers. Edit- ive had, and been running a 1500.1 from Tony since the day they launched. Ive adored the board. (2 15" crossfire c5's) Fantastic board, zero issues.
  2. Why is "strapping" so needed? Gain match and be done.
  3. There is a reason no one makes a multi alt bracket for a honda mate. 2.4 or 3.5, dont matter. Get a nice, NOT max alt, but something like a working 270 HAIRPIN style,... or , specify to the maker, you'd like a lower turn on if possible, (rpms) and add reserve. Done.
  4. Well, lets math. 12v X 220amp = 2640watts (dont care about 14v, you wont hold that either) That said, youll probably see half the power on music. So ya, let it eat. (id have a second battery, but, do you) And, youll most likely never see a full 220amp from your alt, especially at idle, normal driving. But, you wont be making 3k all day long either. Hook it up and bang dude. Cheers.
  5. The 1988 "run power wires away from signal wires" is basically dead now. You need to figure out what the noise is. If it changes with rpm, then that is alternator "whine". To me, its one of your 47 things inline ( 2 amps and a dsp and epicenter) and one of those introducing "noise". If you pull the rca's from the deck (source) then its most likely the amplifier.
  6. Just here to say to say, those JL slash amps are cool. Especially if it has the RIPS feature. (the constant power stuff like rockford) You are over thinking 300 watts, and thinking the number on the box matters. Your electrical will be more important than the board in this case.
  7. If you are using the HU, and basically zero control (TA, power, cut off/xover, freq adjustments) then just buy what you want and stick em where you have space. If it was me, id try and get tweets higher, power them, cut them off proper and band tweak them. That said, if you can fit something larger in that space, like a 5-1/4 with a tweet or something, then id do that. Other wise, just buy something and put it in. Cheers.
  8. Meh, i built another water rig. Msi meg Ace 7800x3d Asrock Aqua with vbios (5XX watts) 2 samsung 990 pros EVGA T3 1600 2 420 rads for gpu 1 420 artic freezer III gskill cl 36/6400
  9. Not sure, but replying to a 12 year old thread, most likely wont help
  10. Do you rev the motor up (rpm's) when you burp? or just idle. Also, your gear is 12v. So staying even above that, when hammering on that is beyond fine. Cheers. Rev your motor/spin your alt, if you want your alt to turn on.
  11. The om-1 takes input,.. doesnt do anything output wise. AKA- it can not affect the board, or anything for that matter, it just receives.
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