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again im like so Ronald Regan was a democrat? he did pass amnesty in 86 that legalized many immigrants and it happens to be that he was a republican. it was like talking to a brick wall

Ronald Reagan in fact was a democrat at one point. In fact, he was such a rabid Marxist they used to call him "Red Ronnie". Don't get me wrong. I really liked him, I liked his rhetoric, and he was terribly charismatic. I even went to the Ronald Reagan library in Simi Valley (which is a great stop if you're in SOCAL), but let's not pretend that the whole left vs. right show is anything more than professional wrestling to entertain the masses.

You applying your idea of how all voters make their voting decisions does not apply to me I do my research I also do not vote for one party specifically I vote for whoever I think will do the best job. Now sure we don't get a lot of people to chose from and they all have their shady dealings but what would you rather happen no one votes and we just have a monarchy or a tyrant in power? It's sad really you seem well educated and I'm sorry you aren't smart enough to see how your vote matters though. Sorry the system let you down but if you want it to change you need to vote if enough people like you would start voting you guys would have your voices heard.

In theory, the constitution prevents us from having a monarchy or tyrant. If only 1 person voted in the entire country, but their representatives followed the rule of law they are still quite limited in what they could do.

I think you're missing the larger point is that the "choice" is an illusion. Beyond local level politics you are given a choice between eating a shit sandwich or a turd taco. Or another analogy, you live in a small county where everyone is related, and you can vote for sheriff. Your two choices are my brother Daryl, or my other brother Cletus. Does my family really care which way you vote?

You maintain that if I don't chose between a shit sandwich or a turd taco I should not have the right to complain about being forced to eat shit? The last political candidate that got any national attention who has ever read the Constitution was Ron Paul and he was virtually ignored by the media, given only a fraction of the time of others in "debates", and generally marginalized by the establishment. The problem with running on a platform based on following the Constitution is that neither "party" wants that, and no special (money) interest can benefit.

How many of the "informed" voters here have read the constitution? And I don't mean in junior high civics, I mean recently.

My issue isn't people that vote, or people that don't, it's uninformed voters. The people that say "I vote Democrat" or conversely "I vote Republican" but can't actually define what those candidates are doing to further an agenda that the individual voters cares about, or WHAT the voters cares about, infuriate me.

hispls doesn't want to vote, fine with me. That's his right. Of course, there are those that will hear him complaining while simultaneously admitting he doesn't vote that will immediately discount his opinion. Whether or not he feels his vote matters, he's still doing nothing to alter the course of the country he lives in. If 60% of the population stood up one day (and that's about what portion of the population DIDN'T vote) and voted for an independant, that independant would be able to change the system. So long as people continue to say their vote doesn't count, things will never change. A SINGLE vote matters little, but enough INDIVIDUAL votes can move mountains.

I chose the lesser of the two evils this election cycle. I'm still hoping in 2016 we'll see a candidate that sticks to his convictions and steers the party rather than the party steering him.

What really bothers me is people thinking that there's any difference whatsoever apart from rhetoric between the R and the D. So you admittedly voted for evil? That shows a lot of character and principal. I assure you, you will receive it in abundance.

Riddle me this, how come your team can't offer you anything better than the "evil" for which you voted?

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