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I think I finally understand the gun argument

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This is my saying on this. The cops where I live are useless. I get stopped 2 or 3 times a month by the cops yes my windows on my truck are to dark but I'm exempt do to medical reasons. I'm then search because I have a firearm in my truck. The only thing I have on my background is a speeding ticket. I say this all because my house has been broken into 3 times the last my sisters where there only thing that stopped him this last time was my lab that they let go. They guy was arrested and let go even though we had proof it was him. My mother was robbed right in front of a irs building where she works the local pd has done nothing and the irs can't do anything because it wasn't on there property. The pd hasn't even looked at the cameras that have it on tape. In neither of these cases was my family armed now all of us are. Since we live in a small town and pd knows we carry we get the pleasure of be stopped all the time. So you tell me if they take my guns what will happen. O and the guy who came in my house won't even walk on my side of the road because I told him if he walks onto my land I will shoot his ass and yes I did and still do have sighs up

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