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Second Skin Audio

ported enclosure change to a bandpass idea


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Looking to see if anyone has advice or experiance Taking A Ported Enclosure Amd addind A Chamber Over The Face Sealed or Ported.would There Be Any gains By Doing This Or would It Be A Waste Of Time

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If you seal up the face of the enclosure that has the port then that wouldn't be a ported enclosure anymore, and it wouldn't be a 4th. Just a sealed enclosure with less output. I don't know if you were to do that with an additional port instead as you asked, if it would gain anything, probably decrease more than likely. If you want a fourth you're better off designing one and building it from scratch or having someone else do it.

That said, try your idea and let us know how it worked for you. Videos and meter results would be good to see for that.

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My idea was to keep the box ported,its sub,sub,port on the face of the box firing to the rear of the trunk.i was thinking of building a

2 cuft chamber separated 1 each, for the subs to fire into but still have the l port functional.I dont have a meter but I'll post results positive \negative outcome thanks agian

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