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Front speakers cutting out

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Hey guys I am in need of some help. So today I was jamming out and decided to play full tilt and notoced that my front speakers were cutting in and out while my subs and rear speakers do not cut out. I figured out that my front speakers only cut out when my head units voluMe is 29 or higher (my DD-1 indicates I can play up to 32 out of 40 before I start clipping at 33) even though I shouln't be clipping at 29.

My front stage consists of a set of 2 Fosgate T1 6x8s rated at 80 rms and 4 ohms each along with a set of 2 Fosgate R1 tweeters which are 40 rms and 4 ohms each. I have them wired in parralel with each other and running to my Fosgate P600.4 with 12 ga Sky high speaker wire CCA. I have the tweetets wired to the 6x8s in parallel and have the speakers wired to my amp in parallel.

I am reading 3 ohms at my amp on both front channels and 4 ohms on my two rear channels. I have a set of 2 6x8 Infinity Kappas rated at 120 rms and 4 ohms in my rear doors.

So my question is, would running my two front channels at 3-ohms be causing this?

TLDR: Would running a Fosgate p600.4 at 3 ohms on the front channels and 4 ohms on the rear cause my front speakers to cut in and out at high volumes (Anything 29 or higher out of 40) wheb I dont clip until 33 per DD-1?

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