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Polecat:opinions On Useing These Special L7s In A Sealed Box

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Whats up Polecat you are one of the only guys that will have the info I need.

Polecat I have a set of these: The special Alma Gates signature Series L7s D2s


The box I built for one (actually the only ported box I will make for any L7s period is on page 24 of this manual)


Well I shouldn't be useing these as they are collectors items but trying them out I actually prefered the sound of them to the 2006 L7s.

Well I figured they had major power handleing but with a RF 1501BD at 1 ohm (The 1501BD is rated at 1500 watts at 2 ohm its not 1 ohm stable) well the RF 1501BD is atleast producing rated 2 ohm power at 1 ohm nominal and I noticed around 40 to 45 hertz the cone was wanting to jump out of the basket.(at 4 ohm on that amp it performed great and I could actually use my 45 hertz punch bass Knob with it. It sounds great.

Thats all the trial and error work I have done with them.

What I want to know from you is about sealed enclosures.

Would they even sound good in a sealed box?

What size box would you recommend for me to run these subs sealed?

What kind of power handling do you feel they could handle with a sealed box? (My RF 1501BD will not let me run 1 ohm with sealed boxes)

Last Question is: Was there ever a dual 4 ohm versions?

The first one I got, the guy kept claiming all he had was D4s, when I got them it was a D2. The next one I got was a D2. (I wanted D2s anyway, so I lucked out). Then I saw some on Ebay and that guy claimed he had D4s.

The reason I want to know is if I ever see these for sale again I want to buy another set if I have the money on hand at the time but I want to make sure they are D2s.

Thanks for your time Polecat


P.S. I wasn't bullshitting when I have posted that I have ran every L7 10 Kicker has ever made.LOL

And with the box on page 24 I was able to do 142 and 144 legally on the 2002 Term lab meter with 2 2000 L7 10s 2 of those boxes and 1 ZR360 at 2 ohm nominal.( deduct 6DB for the 2003 meter).

Can you get ahold of new stickers that I can put on the back as the original stickers are in bad condition?

Isobaric - Refers to the practice of coupling two drivers together to make them act as one.

"Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak; sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go."

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honestly, I wouldn't run them sealed, nor at all..thsoe are special, and even if you blew one up, we don't even have the soft parts to build anymore :(

Plus, all were dual 2's, had a ZR1000 )modded) on each one.

Edited by Polecat

Behind every great man....is an underwear tag!

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Thanks again Polecat, I know I shouldn't run them but I shure did like how they sounded.

I figured they were all dual 2s Be cuase the ZR1000 has a current limiter at 2 ohm doesn't it and on the final Beast you guys were only able to to get one amp per sub didn't ya.

So 4 ohm on a ZR1000.

I do have one of the modded ZR1000s too. I couldn't find out if the current limiter was removed but I do know it can run off an 18 volt system.

Since they are collectors items would you beable to find new stickers for the backs of the subs and possibly a ZR1000 badge for the black ZRs.

If you can PM me about what you want.

Thanks again Polecat.

Isobaric - Refers to the practice of coupling two drivers together to make them act as one.

"Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak; sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go."

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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Thanks man. :D

Isobaric - Refers to the practice of coupling two drivers together to make them act as one.

"Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak; sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go."

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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Polecat I was installing for a Kicker Dealer when the Beast first came out sponsored by Kicker and lets just say we couldn't keep our eyes of the pics and considering I used to be obsessed with Kicker since I was 16 I have wanted some since I was 20 when I saw them for the first time.(2000-2001)

Know 7 years later I finally got a set and will treasure them and since they are reconed and I did want to make sure both were fully functional thats why I built that ported box I'am proud to say they are pretty much brand new.

I won't be useing them as they are collectors items but if I ever get 2 more I garruntee they will be going in a SQ install.

What makes them more special is 1 actually came off the beast and I got that one from someone with the intials GB.

The other was on Ebay auction and supposedly came from someone named Steve Tyler and was an extra for his DB vehicle.

And the ZR1000 was used on the beast also.

So these are very important to me.

I'll cut you a deal if you bring back a line of fully regulated amps like the ZRs I will belong to Kicker again.

Take it easy Polecat.


Isobaric - Refers to the practice of coupling two drivers together to make them act as one.

"Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak; sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go."

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

The Destruction of a person builds character.



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ah, the ole ZR's :D

Yea, Steve Tyler also used the Alma Gates woofers...I remember dbDrag in early 2000's, he had his plain white Astro van at finals in OKC, blew everyone away in his class, all with those woofers. people demanded a tear down of his van, because he smashed the score by several db's. He was a great guy!! I saw him in Daytona a few months ago at SBN actually.

Initials GB??

I bet Gary Biggs :D

Behind every great man....is an underwear tag!

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Ya the first one came from Gary and I had the chance to meet him in person, but unfortunetly I messed things up.(Long storie,Long car trip,I was very very stressed out going to where I had to go to be around the people I had to spend time with. Lets say anyone in a 50 miles radius new I was on the warpath)

He was going to sell me 2 of them. Luckily things got patched up and he only had 3 left and 2 he wanted to keep but he was willing to sell me the 3rd.

Gary if you ever find this thread your a hell of a guy.Thanks.

Polecat I don't know how I never knew about Steve Tyler. How many subs was he running and what kind of numbers did he hit?

I forgot to mention that Gary Biggs is someone I have looked up to since day 1 and I'm still kicking myself in the ass to this day for letting my temper get the best of me.

Edited by ISO

Isobaric - Refers to the practice of coupling two drivers together to make them act as one.

"Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak; sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go."

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

The Destruction of a person builds character.



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Gary's my homie, has been since the 80's...we talk all the time, great friend indeed....matter of fact, he's my son if you ever see him, tell him that LOL :D

Steve, back in the early 90's was doing over 170, which was stupid back them, I think he had 6 10's....but, mics have changed since then as well....so that would proabaly be upper 160's now.

Behind every great man....is an underwear tag!

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