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Lets Talk Gas And Why We Cant Just Take It

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ok so the countries in the middle east basically got us by the balls with gas..or at least thats what i think it is..if im wrong please correct me, so heres my thinking..why dont all these countries who are suffering from high gas pricing like United States, Japan, China, India and South Korea..and others all get together and basically give the middle east a ultimatum start pumping more oil or we go to war? is it right to do that? no its not, but drastic times call for drastic measures..i mean were always over there sticking our noses in there business even when they didnt do anything *cough wmd cough*...so anyways..whats everyones opinion on this without getting political..since politics is not allowed here..

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Im with you On that 110%

Fuck them Middle East bastards..We need to Just Boot them Out, And Take that Shit... Who cars If its Un-cival And We Need to Kick China Off the Shore of FL and start Drilling In our water's...

but All the Fagget Enviromentalist's Dont like it...FUCK THEM!

Man I wish I could become President and Run this Place like It needs to be Ran...

Thats Just My 2cents!

Edited by precisionaudio916



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We cant go and take there oil just like they cant come and take ours ;) the problem isnt there not making enough or were using too much the problem lyes else where ......... ill give you an example people in veniswella are paying like 20 cents a gallon for gas :o dont be fooled into think we dont have enough gas we have plenty BUT if you owned nike and another country said they would GIVE you pumas for free would ya take em ? Hell no because you make your money off selling Nikes . Why would take money out of your own pocket ?

dcaudio.jpg ALLAH's the most gracious, he made the universe the most spaciousSeen and heard in all places, but still appear facelessEmbraces all races, all caste and all casesIn every spec of life he's the substance of all tracesSMDsigbannr9.jpg
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Fuck them Middle East bastards..We need to Just Boot them Out, And Take that Shit... Who cars If its Un-cival And We Need to Kick China Off the Shore of FL and start Drilling In our water's...

Oh yea and the same logic you use to take their oil would be the same that they would use to protect it , all they would have to do is say China we will sell to you for half of what we will to rest of the world . And do you think the rest of the world would let us take another countries oil ( cough cough ) if any thing they would say hell no your not going to control ALL the oil oil in the world .

dcaudio.jpg ALLAH's the most gracious, he made the universe the most spaciousSeen and heard in all places, but still appear facelessEmbraces all races, all caste and all casesIn every spec of life he's the substance of all tracesSMDsigbannr9.jpg
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texas and alaska have enough oil for the US for a while. oh and the gulf of mexico is filled as well. seems as if most is "off limits" thou

J. Jsig_253411.jpgMy CardomainFINISHED COBALT SS/SC DUAL ALTERNATOR PICS icon_nuts.gif

theres no such thing as too expensive when it comes to upgrades like that, because imo if you are gonna spend to upgrade then do it correctly rather then be a cheap ass ricer
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They funny part is in south america they have learned how to turn coal into oil, and we have a huge coal reserve, if we converted ours we would have more oil the the middle east does.

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Getting the oil isn't the problem, it is the business here making such a crazy profit. IIRC Exxon Mobil turned in over a 9 billion dollar profit for the FIRST QUARTER!!!!!! Every quarter they are making record profits. I think somewhere I saw that in order for gas to be the price it currently is oil would have to be selling for something like 300/barrel, which it clearly is not selling for. I think the oil companies finally got smart and realized that they are running unregulated for the most part, and decided to raise their prices, and no one is stopping them. Hell, the CEO's of a few oil companies had to go infront of congress, and explain why it is they are making record profits every quarter and they had no explanation. Getting more oil wouldn't help the situation too much...IMO.

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We have come upon a point in history where the answer to our energy & envoirnmental issues is not simply "more oil."

I myself am not the biggest fan of paying $4 per gallon, however in the long run I believe it's better for everyone (including our unborn) that the costs of fuel continues to rise. We have to face the plain fact: Oil is & always has been a non-renewable resource that we WILL NOT be able to use forever. The higher the price, the more people research alternatives. There are many many many MANY different reasons why gas & diesel cost so much right now, but you can't pin it on one single region and DEFINATELY cant say we should just start killing people over it. Besides, as soon as some totally pointless unaffilliated incident takes place around some pipeline or refinery, the big black gold companies will switch over & use that excuse anyways.

Now last I checked, Bush just doubled the national oil reserve on hand, bringing us to an over 140 YEAR supply. Point being that we shouldn't worry too much because times can only get tough to a point where those barrels have to start getting popped open.

To me, this is a political thread so I'm locking it before it gets out of hand with everybody saying fuck this & fuck that... Oh wait... 2 L8 :mellow:

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