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some good stuff to use is aircraft paint stripper it eats the paint off in minutes and it just bubbles and wrinkles the paint up m dad used to use it to clean up metal before we painted it works awesome. bologna works well also...

Another cool idea would be to put a hole in his door and fill that bitch up with expanding foam....LMAO i dunno if you would ever get all that shit outta there

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LMAO....the only thing acidic that I know of to be used to damage a car would be brake fluid or bologna...(yes, it eats paint) I was almost expelled from high school for "throwing bologna on cars".....we were throwing a football in the parking lot....that teacher was effin stupid, she was later fired for screwing the asst. principle, her husband was the band teacher. The asst. principle was also fired, but he was fired for screwing 5 seniors (for better grades), and that teacher. My high school was so jacked up man, I miss it....LoL.

bologna like the meat ?? no wonder i get sick when i eat it...

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lol.... I like welding the doors shut, that was funny, but a lil obvious at night huh?... Best way to do it is, time, then catch em' slipping, so nothing gets to obviously pointed right at you, ya know? Break fluid eats some rubber, so I doubt the ballons will work.... but maybe tossing some 40oz beer bottle filled of acetone, paint stripper, break fluid at the car in a drive by would be pretty simple.... (maybe someone driveing behind you can flick a match as they pass behind you- acetone is more flamable than gas, and burns hotter)

I have a ritual called "terminator". I crouch in the shower in the "naked terminator" pose. With eyes closed I crouch for a minute and visualize either Arnie or the guy from the 2nd movie. I then start to hum the T2 theme. Slowly I rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me get through my day. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It sorta ruins the fantasy.
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if you know where they live, why not just goto the front door and handle it like a man.

or you could catch him leaving and whooop his ASSS. dont be a bitch like him and do something to his car, he will just retalliate(sp)

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lol thanks for all the input guys, Brake Fluid FTW!

But for now nothing.

i wanted to go through with the police as these type of things tend to carry on untill one side show that thats it no more and seriously hurt the other, well in my case im not going to ruin my future and get a criminal record becasue of some idiots, im going to go uni and hopefully graduate... But they not going to get away with nothing.

Basically this is whats happening. - This morning i received a call from the police stating that they want to come and carry out tests on the car and collect info if theres any, i did state that there was blood on the window and they want to come and take a sample. From all the rain when i went down there i couldnt see no stains, nothing at all, but they acutally managed to get a sample i was like WTF!?  :w00t: Police FTW! for once lol

They said it should be enough to profile him, now a few friends know where he lives and i got his phone number, im already giving the number to the police and i will do the same with the adress as soon as i get it.

About me messing his car up, im only doing it cos he done it to mine. im only going to do it IF he doesnt get sorted by the police.

BUT HOWEVER even if he does get done by the police or not after some time im going to get him and stick my arm up his eye for what he done to my brother. He aint getting away with nothing. The only thing that gets to me is that i couldnt protect my lil bro and stop this from happening.

BTW im saying HE becuase i found out that the one who punched my brother is the one who done the car. the others are un-important they can be dealt with later. but for now im focusing on tht single individual.

I'll keep posted with info, not that you guys are probly intrested but i just wanna bore you to death... lol


Super soaker with gasoline LMAO

Skunk piss

and Expanding foam are funny, and alos i have put super glue in a friends pad lock before as a prank lol

Thanks guys for reading...  ;D

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i still like my bulldozer idea  :'(

but i hope the popo put him away for what he did exactly what shit did they have on your brother and you anyway? or is that too personal to go into

Well all this started because of that single individual in the first place.

Basically i'll try to keep it as short as i can before i type a essay. lol

There was a girl aged 14 and she comes to my shop (Chicken + Chips) and one day just me there my bro started chatting to her and asked her age, i was acutally quite shocked to hear 14, how ever convo carried on and the girl turned out to be going out with a 21 year old, who we know that is just fucking her thts all.

Any how she started coming more often etc and her and my lil bro became friends, one day she kept comin and gettin 2 portions of food and my bro goes what is your house empty and ur bf's staying over? shes like who told u? he must have said no im just presuming, and then she goes back home tells her bf what happen and tht my bro knows her house is empty there fore the boyfriend comes and says to my brother can i talk to you for a moment. i wasnt there at the time.

When my lil bro goes outside the boy punches my lil bro right away and they start fighting but my lil bro whooops his ass. My every one saw and started tellin ppl how my bro knocked him out and now basically 5 months later his trying to get my brother back, but hes a bitch and knows he'll knock him out therefore has to gang up and use weapons.

Also about the car he knows which one is my car therefore probly just thought he'd damage it.

Update is:

Got his adress now, Number plate, the other boys house adress's and gave all info in to police, also got a company solisitor, No win No Fee! therefore they will try to get compensation + Jail sentance lol

I like the Bulldoxer idea tht would be insane! but very easy to be caught!  :construction:

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