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Rant: Fucking Mother-in-law

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This time my wife finally had it with my mother-in-law and told her off. My m-i-l didnt like that and pushed my wife. My wife flipped and started off on why she did that. then she left and went and got a cigerette. My m-i-l followed her outside. She told my wife that if she kept yelling a couple more minutes that my m-i-l wouldve killed her. Her own daughter. And she told her that if she was me that she wouldve beat her for not knowing when to keep her mouth shut. Tomorrow my wife and i are going to try and get assisstant to mve out. There are a couple charities that will help people. We just need to get outta here before things go really to hell.

Credo Quia Absurdum

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DAMN im not one to really get in to peoples stuff but what happend that caused your wifey to go off like that?

That's why they don't deliver.

Yer ass better go sit along the side of the road and wait.

You can't expect them to travel up some dirt road in a hick / back woods town. Thats how horror movies start :D

I explain things very simply and use analogies in terms of Pickles, and grape drink, pool noodles and jackhammers...if you can't put 2 and 2 together there man, There simply is not much more I can do.

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My mother in law was upset that she actually had to do something around the house and clean the dishes. My m-i-l is so fucking lazy. All she does all day is smoke cigs watch youtube and sleep. Heaven forbid that shes holds her new grandson. Shes only help him 3 times the past 2 weeks we have been home.

Credo Quia Absurdum

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how old is your mother in law?

That's why they don't deliver.

Yer ass better go sit along the side of the road and wait.

You can't expect them to travel up some dirt road in a hick / back woods town. Thats how horror movies start :D

I explain things very simply and use analogies in terms of Pickles, and grape drink, pool noodles and jackhammers...if you can't put 2 and 2 together there man, There simply is not much more I can do.

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So wait, your mother-in-law lives with you and your wife, or your wife still lives at home and you live with her?

chicken is basically the native american hulk, you think he broke that curb with his rim? think again, that was merely him stubbing his toe.


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now that is just lazy.so you guys trying to move out of her house?or trying to get rid of her?idk if their are homes that allow a 46 year old person in yet lol just tell em she acts like one hehehe

That's why they don't deliver.

Yer ass better go sit along the side of the road and wait.

You can't expect them to travel up some dirt road in a hick / back woods town. Thats how horror movies start :D

I explain things very simply and use analogies in terms of Pickles, and grape drink, pool noodles and jackhammers...if you can't put 2 and 2 together there man, There simply is not much more I can do.

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now that is just lazy.so you guys trying to move out of her house?or trying to get rid of her?idk if their are homes that allow a 46 year old person in yet lol just tell em she acts like one hehehe

yeah we have 1 app in on a place and are looking at more right now.

Credo Quia Absurdum

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That really sucks man. I got a dorm room in Buffalo NY if you wanna come crash here, your families welcome while I'm home on break :)

chicken is basically the native american hulk, you think he broke that curb with his rim? think again, that was merely him stubbing his toe.


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