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Theodore Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson have been the "most" socialist geared Presidents to date, before Barack H. Obama. I will not explain and clarify the platforms of the ensuing presidents. I assume that if you click on this post and begin reading you will leave before going off and trying to argue issues of which you have no more of an understanding than a high school education about. With that being said, let me level with the people that do know politics and history. Remember Theodore Roosevelts "New Nationalism" platform during his 1912 election run with the Bull Moose party. Also, remember Lyndon B. Johnson's "Great Society" with his war on poverty, educational, medical, civil rights etc. reforms.

In my point of view, those men ruined our country. The majority of Americans have lost the value of working hard for what they have, noone appreciates anything, anymore. The majority of the poverty stricken population in our country enjoy sitting on their asses and waiting for the first of the month when the checks come in. People don't mind having a slew of kids in order to attain government compensation and many women entertain the idea of breaking it off with their boyfriends/husbands and squeezing child support checks out of them. Hell, spouses and family members even kill eachother to recieve life insurance assets (money). I'm not saying that sometimes people really do need money, and they don't deserve it. Though I am a realist, and I do see the childish "what's yours is mine" attitude that's spread like a disease accross the country, I see reality. People have lost the American values of wanting to work for what they have and jumped on the moron bandwagon. Anyone can go pick up a history book and see the mindset of every willing factory worker that stood outside meat packing factories across the U.S a century ago and how bad they wanted to work, to provide for their families solely and keep pride in that. Anyone who has read Upton Sinclair's novel "The Jungle" will know more than well what I'm talking about.

Now, President Barack H. Obama plans to tax the top 2% of our citizens on the economically apt individuals 40% of their income to help provide for people on the latter end and more evenly spread their incomes and provide for the "wealth" of America. This is wrong, men at these high levels of society have busted their asses for what they have! These are the people that can define their life stories as "blood, sweat and tears." Though according to President Obama, everyone deserves a piece of what they have, anyone that sits on their ass, doesn't work and claims they have too many kids to do anything at all deserves every bit as much as the individuals who have built from the ground up these large businesses that earn them so much money.

I do believe that all men are created equal, I also believe that all are provided an equal chance to succeed. Rich or poor, public or private schools, kind or abusive homes, everyone has an equal chance because though corrupt at times, our government is a fair one. Everyone has to go to school up until they're allowed to dropout, at which point they don't have an equal chance to succeed, because everyone else who didn't has the edge up on that individual. The world is different today, people have to learn early in their lives that you have to focus on the big picture. Each individual deserves a trade that hunts one responsibly and with a focused mindset.

Please think about this, reconsider your political views and don't leave negative comments if you don't know what you're talking about. If you reply please reply with an informative answer that allows for other people to understand why you believe what you state, just as I have.


Team T3 Audio

Team Sundown Audio

Team O.B.M

Operation Beast Mode

"Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear"

wigglez that was a bit over the top, i dont want to invison dw giving any young lady a "cream pie" let alone "throat babies".
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now im not much of a politcal knowledge person but i can understand a problem and find a solution to solve it. now camino i see where your coming from as in the people on top have gotten there because they busted their asses and the people on the bottom are there because they sit on there asses, but you have to think the only reason those people on the bottom can survive is because the government has been supporting them without even questioning them to see if they really deserve the money. (its like giving a dog treats for doing a trick, if you give him the treats for no reason then the dog has no reason to do the trick).now you cant put that blame on obama because he just stepped into office,it is the fault of our past government that has allowed/supported these non workers but obama has to choose the path to fix this problem of all these people not working.

but heres a new problem some of these people on the bottom are their not because there lazy, its because shit is hittin the fan. people are losing jobs because of natural disasters, people are losing jobs because of the economy, but theres also the assholes that choose not to work. these people that dont have jobs are a major part of our society now and if we were to stop supporting them now then our economy would fail. president obama has to pull from the wealthy to help the ones in need so that everyone has atleast some money, so that everyone can buy and sell then eventually our economy will start to pick back up. but the only reason i dont like how the government supports low income familys is because there not as picky on who gets what. i think that if you were 2 jobs and are tryin to keep a family going then i believe you should get way more then the asshole that doesnt feel like finding a job today


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now im not much of a politcal knowledge person but i can understand a problem and find a solution to solve it. now camino i see where your coming from as in the people on top have gotten there because they busted their asses and the people on the bottom are there because they sit on there asses, but you have to think the only reason those people on the bottom can survive is because the government has been supporting them without even questioning them to see if they really deserve the money. (its like giving a dog treats for doing a trick, if you give him the treats for no reason then the dog has no reason to do the trick).now you cant put that blame on obama because he just stepped into office,it is the fault of our past government that has allowed/supported these non workers but obama has to choose the path to fix this problem of all these people not working.

but heres a new problem some of these people on the bottom are their not because there lazy, its because shit is hittin the fan. people are losing jobs because of natural disasters, people are losing jobs because of the economy, but theres also the assholes that choose not to work. these people that dont have jobs are a major part of our society now and if we were to stop supporting them now then our economy would fail. president obama has to pull from the wealthy to help the ones in need so that everyone has atleast some money, so that everyone can buy and sell then eventually our economy will start to pick back up. but the only reason i dont like how the government supports low income familys is because there not as picky on who gets what. i think that if you were 2 jobs and are tryin to keep a family going then i believe you should get way more then the asshole that doesnt feel like finding a job today

Thanks for being so polite and understanding by point of view while replying in a sensible manner. I understand where you're coming from completly. I'm not putting the blame on Obama, I think he has the right motives, though he is employing the use of his power in the wrong manner. I see the situation at hand with poverty stricken communites, I am in southern Mississippi and you would never imagine until you saw how some of these people live, but I respect them because they are people, just as I am. The problem I am seeing is that Obama is trying to give too much to the not so economically apt. As you said, it's like giving dogs a treat, but without the tricks in turn. If Obama could turn it around in a way to where he opened say, better unemployment offices and ways for those who have a hard time finding jobs, this would in turn boost morale and give people a sense of self worth. Providing cheap day care for those single individuals with children would also be a great step towards getting citizens into the work force, day care is expensive. Also, I see the nationalization of major banks sort of scary, because once they are nationalized, that doesn't mean they have to be undone. I think that people should be able to work, and determine their futures based on the work they put into having their quality of life.

Again thanks for being so polite.


Team T3 Audio

Team Sundown Audio

Team O.B.M

Operation Beast Mode

"Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear"

wigglez that was a bit over the top, i dont want to invison dw giving any young lady a "cream pie" let alone "throat babies".
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Thanks for being so polite and understanding by point of view while replying in a sensible manner. I understand where you're coming from completly. I'm not putting the blame on Obama, I think he has the right motives, though he is employing the use of his power in the wrong manner. I see the situation at hand with poverty stricken communites, I am in southern Mississippi and you would never imagine until you saw how some of these people live, but I respect them because they are people, just as I am. The problem I am seeing is that Obama is trying to give too much to the not so economically apt. As you said, it's like giving dogs a treat, but without the tricks in turn. If Obama could turn it around in a way to where he opened say, better unemployment offices and ways for those who have a hard time finding jobs, this would in turn boost morale and give people a sense of self worth. Providing cheap day care for those single individuals with children would also be a great step towards getting citizens into the work force, day care is expensive. Also, I see the nationalization of major banks sort of scary, because once they are nationalized, that doesn't mean they have to be undone. I think that people should be able to work, and determine their futures based on the work they put into having their quality of life.

Again thanks for being so polite.

My problem with this type of discussion is I have been to whole countries where it wrecked everything.
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I have to agree with Camino, I personally cannot stand Obama. Not him as a person but his political views and the way he seems to be taking the country. Just recently he basically fired GMs CEO and told them what cars they can and cannot make. Since when did the government have any say in the ongoings of a private company, even if that company is taking government money to save their ass. One of the vehicles that GM was assumedly told to quit production of, is there line of pickups. GMs pickups are one of their more profitable lines, why take away something that is keeping the company alive?

Just my .02

I'd hit that so fucking hard whoever pulled me out would be King of England.

Lol... looks like we were on the same page. Car-B-Ques suck.

ya, tires and paint burning make the marshmallows taste funny.
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I have to agree with Camino, I personally cannot stand Obama. Not him as a person but his political views and the way he seems to be taking the country. Just recently he basically fired GMs CEO and told them what cars they can and cannot make. Since when did the government have any say in the ongoings of a private company, even if that company is taking government money to save their ass. One of the vehicles that GM was assumedly told to quit production of, is there line of pickups. GMs pickups are one of their more profitable lines, why take away something that is keeping the company alive?

Just my .02

Way worse then making up a reason to send me and my friends to a war where more people were killed than in the 911 attacks. I saw more dead friends because of a lie then I could have imagined. Come on fellas, tell me how GW was better for anything. At least this guy is trying to rally the whole world against a common enemy. Have you see the effects of a stand alone war? You get to tell your friends wife a lie about how he went quietly and not in a red mist and a bunch of screams that will never let me sleep.

President Obama is going to do fine, fuckers just need to let him. We let Bush work (granted he fucked everything up) but we let him.

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The CEO stepping out was a smart move by GM. Basically, the US government is a stock holder in the GM corporation now. The people that play a big role in how a corporation works are the stock holders. The stock holders decide who is on the board of trustees, they then decide who is deemed CEO. If GM wants to stay alive, you have to do what the stock holders want, otherwise you are dead, therefore losing stocks.

We arent just givng GM money in a bank account, we are paying them in stocks. Its like someone handing you a thousand bucks to do something, you of course are going to for the most part listen to them. The stock holders have the corporations by the balls and the US government being a major stock holder in GM. Obama is the spokes person, therefore he has a very very strong influence in what goes on with that company, along with the others we are giving money to.

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The latest push into the capilist realm from the right is absolutely an exageration of what weas intended. Capilitism does not mean "crush the entire economy and boltwhen it lookes like we are boned. Then we just blame a Lyberal because we made people think this month that they are some how , first Marxist (communism through armed conflict, not really huh) then a whole ditribe of not even close thruths from people who get payed to make the not so smart see things a certain way.

I still think this type of discussion does not belong here. I read, experiance and sometimes enforce political everything. This situation brought out the fake economists and political scientists.

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agree with you camino. that tax bullshit is stupid as hell.

im not real big on politics or anything, but i cant stand all the fucking handouts our government gives out.

especially with people on welfare, give them 6 months to a year and if they cant find a job within that amount of time tough shit.

First Gen Xterra: Always changing


RF 360.3
RF T3002
RF T4004
RF T10001bd
Silver Flute 6.5"s
Tang Band 1" Tweeters
Sundown X18 in 7cubes net tuned to 32hz

Trust me .25 Blows your Load.

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