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Every night I come home and get on SMD. Every night at about 1am SMD will disappear. 9 times out of 10 I am trying to reply to a thread and when I hit add my browser says there's an IPS error or something like that. Anyone else having this problem?

Too many projects, too little time...

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Most servers restart at a time when NOONE is on to clean stuff up inside the server it self and cool down a bit...



The set up your talking about would sound great in my Tahoe. Trade you my dog for it. He has one eye but that only makes for bad depth perception so hey so what if he is running into shit, look at it this way he is easy to sneak up ninja style on. (right side only)

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Guest KyleCannon

Linux/Unix servers do not have to be shut off to cool off or clean up anything (Even properly configured windows servers). cPanel does a backup around that time and does client backups, server updates and such... the backups are highly intensive on server resources and since the server is so loaded down, the database is the first to go on the server when there are tons of people on a shared hosting environment.

Either that, or they simply shut down MySQL (Database server) to do a dump of everyones databases.... but then again cPanel does it on their own...

btw, cPanel is the control panel the hosting company uses so the clients can manage their websites.

I know this all too well.... heh. But I hate cPanel with a passion.

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funny, I get that when the forum is swamped, around 9pm-ish

I heard from David I think that it was from to many hits, and exceeding bandwidth, I may be wrong though

I have a ritual called "terminator". I crouch in the shower in the "naked terminator" pose. With eyes closed I crouch for a minute and visualize either Arnie or the guy from the 2nd movie. I then start to hum the T2 theme. Slowly I rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me get through my day. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It sorta ruins the fantasy.
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Guest KyleCannon

No thats another reason too when the forums get hit massively... the database server is being worked alot... now imagine 100 or even 500 people on the same server accessing their sites and their sites have visitors... some may be not popular and some may be more popular than SMD... so yeah basically its like you doing a crap ton of things on your computer at once. Peak times hurt it a lot as well. Thats why I like to run InnoDB tables rather than MyISAM because of the row level locking rather than table level locking (helps the database allow multiple things to be changed at once rather than waiting in a queue)

Peak times really hammer shared environments if the server isn't really beefy and/or configured correctly.

The IPB Error solely comes from the database failing to either connect in a specific amount of time or another kind of MySQL error.

When i was running my old site I had to deal with this problem. My site was getting 300 requests a second and over 5 thousand database queries a second. I had to spend hundreds of hours fixing this crap... sad thing is Steve can't do nothing about it. It's all on the host. :-\

Im exhausted. Hope I made sense.

Edited by KyleCannon
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when there are a lot of visitors, there are way more hits to the DB than there are visitors.

on this page alone there could be 30 or so queries to the database, pulling info, avatars etc.

So each person viewing this page is hitting the database 30 times, multiply that by 10 users and that's 300 database queries/connections.

every page you see on a message board has multiple queries to the database to build the pages.

thats why large message boards are so server intensive.

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