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ive got a research paper for college coming up soon and i have no idea wtf to write about, and when i think of something i might could write about theres no way id come up with 1500 words about it.

cant write about:

drinking age



drug legalization, etc.

well that killed anything that i could possibly write 1500 argumentative words, bullshit.

i thought about something to do with car audio, but idk what i could argue about in 1500 words.

so anyone in my position/been in my position or have any ideas?

any help is appreciated.

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Government run health care/ health insurance cons... Countries that have had success with government run health care... People that have lost everything due to the system we have now, and the fact that people aren't getting medical help because they don't have money. I'm sure you can think of more, but 1500 words is no biggie when it comes to talkin about government. Good luck

Edited by JDirty96
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Here's a few i've had saved up for research papers..

1. Capital Punishment (can be used in a few ways)

a. Ethical? Humane?

b. benefits

c. Should it be done away with

2. How America has moved into a more Socialist form of government

3. the start of "credit" and its effects on the American lifestyle

4. Health care reform, What it means for:

a. lower class ( no healthcare)

b. middle class (some healthcare)

c. upper class (essentially all have healthcare)

I'd hit that so fucking hard whoever pulled me out would be King of England.

Lol... looks like we were on the same page. Car-B-Ques suck.

ya, tires and paint burning make the marshmallows taste funny.
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Government run health care/ health insurance cons... Countries that have had success with government run health care... People that have lost everything due to the system we have now, and the fact that people aren't getting medical help because they don't have money. I'm sure you can think of more, but 1500 words is no biggie when it comes to talkin about government. Good luck

i wanted to stay away from government because the professor and me dont get along now as it is, and we disagree on pretty much everything about government, and i can tell if i was to write about the way i felt about most of the current shit in the government she'd damn near fail me.

Here's a few i've had saved up for research papers..

1. Capital Punishment (can be used in a few ways)

a. Ethical? Humane?

b. benefits

c. Should it be done away with

2. How America has moved into a more Socialist form of government

3. the start of "credit" and its effects on the American lifestyle

4. Health care reform, What it means for:

a. lower class ( no healthcare)

b. middle class (some healthcare)

c. upper class (essentially all have healthcare)

credit system was one i considered. my cousin wrote one on how the american credit system is complete bullshit, i thought about getting his and using some of his ideas.

First Gen Xterra: Always changing


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hmm there is alot out there about healthcare reform though. i might have to try and write about that. the credit system is a good one too, but it seems like theres less info about it on the web. all i can find are credit report sites and shit.

First Gen Xterra: Always changing


RF 360.3
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Trust me .25 Blows your Load.

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Yes, describing how a single payer heath system would lead us into further debt while lowering the quality of service we receive and the timeliness it is administered could offend some people. It would be easy to explain how illegal immigrants receive free health care now, and how it would only be worse with more government. I would not chose that if you are on thin ice with the professor. It would be very difficult to find a society where socialized health care works well if it's an argument paper.

I like the socialist government topic, but that would lead back to the negatives of health care. A paper explaining that evolution is a theory, but taught like it has been completely proven. There is as much evidence disproving evolution as supporting it, and it would be very easy to write sentences replacing the word evolution with a religion.

I believe I wrote a paper not too long ago arguing why drugs should be made legal, then taxed and sold by the government:

Drug prices could go down, quality could go up, jobs would be created by hiring people to farm, process, R&D, and package the substances. Lower unemployment, and less people getting fired because they like to get high in their free time.

Crime would decrease, taxes could be lowered on other essential items due to the huge increase in revenue, students would not lose scholarships due to a few seeds on the floor of their car, we could begin exporting our crops to other countries for a profit. There are tons of charts showing this sort of stuff to use as citations and visuals btw.

Hell even mass producing food based marijuana products would open a new job market.

Edited by tejcurrent


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Government run health care/ health insurance cons... Countries that have had success with government run health care... People that have lost everything due to the system we have now, and the fact that people aren't getting medical help because they don't have money. I'm sure you can think of more, but 1500 words is no biggie when it comes to talkin about government. Good luck

Give it a rest.

Free health care is a joke.

I agree.

Write it on the corruption of the government, if it's well thought out and prepared he will like it no matter what his views are.

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Give it a rest.

Free health care is a joke.

I agree.

Write it on the corruption of the government, if it's well thought out and prepared he will like it no matter what his views are.

I'm not taking any sides, could care less if it happens really.... Its not for me though... Its for the lower class people who don't even have health insurance, or those that have lost their homes and everything they've ever worked in their lives because their medical bills put them so far in debt. We are the only industrialized country without single payer health care. It hasn't failed in Canada, or Europe, as well as a few other countries, so I'm not really sure why is it a joke. You realize that the government is corrupt.. Ever think that they led you to believe it would put us in more debt? Maybe step back for a minute and think about the health insurance companies that are one of the largest corporations in America, a corporation that can't fail... Similar to that of GM... and a few other huge car manufacturers. As well, a corporation that has huge influence$ on the government. If you're catchin my drift... Btw, the health care wouldn't be free... You would still pay for it through taxes

I'm just sharing my $.02 ..... First time I've even brought up the topic on this forum. Could care less to hear any responses about what I have to say, unless its a proven fact that it won't work.

If it is an informative essay, she can't fail you... As long as your content is from reputable sources and it is there. If its persuasive, bummer.... Take a chance instead of trying to do something straight forward. Most English teachers will recognize that you took that chance and give you some respect, verses a straight forward topic that every other student has done for the last 2-3 years.

Edited by JDirty96
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You've got it easy, I wish my topics could be anything. I have to write a 7 page APA Social Science paper on something in Russia or the former soviet. I was going to do the influence of Vodka on the high death rate of young russians. My professor thought that was too vague. Are you fu@king kidding me!!! You are lucky my friend. I'm not even an english major, my school has one of the hardest gen ed curriculums, it really sucks. Dropped it last semester and its not looking good for me this semester. I did sex tourism in south asia last semester, it was interesting and I got a good grade. Otherwise the shit is too boring. Look into it, its a horrifing subject. Good luck!

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