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why i dislike people that hate Barack Obama

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Now I didn't what all you guys said, Now coming from a military family and me being in the Air Force I dont like obama , He said lets save money take troops out of Iraq and now his new Take money from the wealthy and give to the poor by different taxing is thee stupidest thing I've ever heard. For one he dosnt have much experience because he was only in a political office once before he got presidency. But then he said he was going to pull us out of our economic problems and he is spending Billions of dollars for what? I can understand money for the war but other stuff that isnt needed theres no point to do that. Then he also said hes going to pull troops out of Iraq and Hes been saying that he wants to put 10,000 troops spread out through Iraq Afgan. and Kawait, Then with his lets give money from the rich to the poor is a crock of crap hes trying to robin hood with this. Now if he does this it affects people that work for their money and have good jobs sorry some people cant do that its a way of life they chose the job they have , I say this because it effects my family who works for their money thats why we are wealthy and im not tryin to brag im just saying because its the dumbest thing hes tryd to do. But thats my Input on this.

There have ALWAYS been higher taxes for higher income earners. He's is not adding more taxes he is repealing Bush's tax cuts for those making over $250,000 per year. Please read the new laws before ranting. I read it over and over because I am in that bracket and I told every Republican I knew i didn't want the damn tax break in the first place!

is it not the people who chose which person(s) will represent their state in the congress?

president cant smoke a cigarette?

That's a joint

I agree ...free healthcare my ass

where is the fairness ive been on the same job paying for health/dental/eye for my whole family the whole time

then in comes the 35/40 guy still livin home with momz or grandma ..drinking 40s and never had a job ..and he can get the same benefits as me ..... :01nocomment8so: :aggressive:

Nope, that's like saying your a professional welder and the guy on welfare is getting "the same benefits" a government run system would never be better than private the issue is that private healthcare can't be paid for by about 50 million people either because they don't have the money or it is not offered by the employer. It's not going to take over all health care. They had a special on CNN with ex insurance executives and they admitted that the town hall meetings etc were "normal and customary scare tactics used in the past".

all you Obama supporters do know that there is no way in hell he will get reelected right? its allready starting street venders cant sell the obama stuff they have and his numbers have dramaticly dropped. being in ohio with a worthless govenor makes you see it all these promises and nothing ever gets done

Uh the republican nominee is looking like Sarah Palin so I guess we are on our way to hell!

Yeah of course because your an obama ban wagoner people only voted because hes not full white so why not try and change the world with this. Bush was a great president and his "mess up with the USA" is a crock of shit. He got stuck in one of the biggest wars we are prolly going to see, So think about what you want to say first how about you try and run a country who is in war i dont think you could .

I think you meant started, oh and by the way let's say it was a fight and you hit me so I went and shot your friend. Stupid right? Well that's what he did. Unless Osama (who has been dead for years) was having dinner with saddam......

Yeah... not like we will pay back the trillions in stimulus that he's spending in our lifetime... SO why do we care right?

Bush passed the stimulus making it law and it MUST be spent. i guess it was his way of trying to make the next guy look as bas as him. Not defending him cuz he has done some stupid things so far but I know jobs are being created with the highway projects for sure. I have seen more projects complete in the last 9 months then the last 9 years in L.A.

x2, I hate the people that would rather live off of others/unemployment, I dont hate the people that are trying to find work living on unemployment, just the ones who would rather just sit on there ass with no plans to get a job.

And imagine this for a second guys.....

You are back in 01' you are the President, Terrorists just bombed the Twin Towers they came into your country and hurt your people, maybe even family and friends.

What do you do as President, are you just gonna let it go and go about your business, letting the Terrorists know that they can just get away with it?

Or are you gonna show em that there are consequences to fucking with your country?

I mean no matter who was the President at the time, what else would the President do, how else would you be able to make a statement that this crap wasnt gonna fly, I mean you could just go the the UN and tell the leaders of the country that bombed you, thats not cool. That just wouldnt get your point across, non the less the leaders of the countries in which terrorists reside cant really answer for an individual groups actions.

So what do we do, we send our soldiers over there to try and take down the organizations that have hurt and invaded not only our country but others as well.

Well thats it for my lil rant......

Unemployment has been extended because many HARD working people can't find jobs. People in construction, finance, banking, insurance, retail etc. Yes of course some people take advantage so do we drop the whoe program because some people took advantage?

Oh and again, we invaded the wrong country.....ON PURPOSE!!!!!

Talking politics sucks but unfortunately most people do not read they just regurgitate what someone else told them was fact or even better what the "news" said. Let's read a little. Many people in the world are not even allowed to read or vote. If you don't like something then vote to change it. I see some of the silliest rant's on here about what is or is not "American" but lest we forget our own country was started first on the idea of freedom backed by opression and enslavement. Killing native americans because the would not convert to christianity even though religious persecution was the main reason for starting this country!!! How about slavery which was more of indentured service or sharecropping around the world untill we got ahold and started classifying an entire race as "slaves". Or my personal favorite "blacks and mexicans are all on welfare" even though the last census shows something like 80% of all extended welfare claims are by middle america white families. C'mon, let's start reading a bit. Not a lot, just a little!

and I'm spent!!!!!!

Starting From Scratch!!

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There have ALWAYS been higher taxes for higher income earners. He's is not adding more taxes he is repealing Bush's tax cuts for those making over $250,000 per year. Please read the new laws before ranting. I read it over and over because I am in that bracket and I told every Republican I knew i didn't want the damn tax break in the first place!

I don't know why you would want the government to take a higher percentage of your income than mine. i believe if i make $1 and they take out $0.10 then if you earn $100 then they should take out $10 from you not $20 or $30 you worked harder so should have more. this whole take from the hard working rich and give to the lazy poor guy on welfare is complete bull sh*t btw im in the poor column i am working hard and i'm making minimum wage part time it makes me want to work harder so i can get somewhere in my life not sit on my a$$ and expect the government to pay for me to watch tv

Nope, that's like saying your a professional welder and the guy on welfare is getting "the same benefits" a government run system would never be better than private the issue is that private healthcare can't be paid for by about 50 million people either because they don't have the money or it is not offered by the employer. It's not going to take over all health care. They had a special on CNN with ex insurance executives and they admitted that the town hall meetings etc were "normal and customary scare tactics used in the past".
the problem with the government health care is not that we will all have coverage its that people like my crazy "ex-aunt" (my uncle's ex wife) would go to the emergency room everytime they have a slight cough.
Uh the republican nominee is looking like Sarah Palin so I guess we are on our way to hell!

what do you have against sarah palin? the fact that she is a white woman with some common sense?

...Osama (who has been dead for years)...

your proof of this is where? was i at work when they anounced this?

Bush passed the stimulus making it law and it MUST be spent. i guess it was his way of trying to make the next guy look as bas as him. Not defending him cuz he has done some stupid things so far but I know jobs are being created with the highway projects for sure. I have seen more projects complete in the last 9 months then the last 9 years in L.A.

Bush passed A stimulus bill and it was spent before obama got into office. how was he a bad pres? maybe in L.A. but not here in MI! and how can you give him credit for every project that happens? i will give him credit for some but they are only temporary.

Unemployment has been extended because many HARD working people can't find jobs. People in construction, finance, banking, insurance, retail etc. Yes of course some people take advantage so do we drop the whoe program because some people took advantage?
My dad is in construction in one of the worst countys in the nation and is constantly turning away jobs wanna know why? because he does good work. its only nature to weed out the weak and keep the strong
Oh and again, we invaded the wrong country.....ON PURPOSE!!!!!

Nope we never invaded the wrong country get your facts straight.

Talking politics sucks but unfortunately most people do not read they just regurgitate what someone else told them was fact or even better what the "news" said. Let's read a little. Many people in the world are not even allowed to read or vote. If you don't like something then vote to change it. I see some of the silliest rant's on here about what is or is not "American" but lest we forget our own country was started first on the idea of freedom backed by opression and enslavement. Killing native americans because the would not convert to christianity even though religious persecution was the main reason for starting this country!!! How about slavery which was more of indentured service or sharecropping around the world untill we got ahold and started classifying an entire race as "slaves". Or my personal favorite "blacks and mexicans are all on welfare" even though the last census shows something like 80% of all extended welfare claims are by middle america white families. C'mon, let's start reading a bit. Not a lot, just a little!

looks like you need to start taking your own advice. and whats with that whole rant about slavery? that came from where?

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well people can dislike me if you want, but I do not like Obama and not because he is black (i hate it when people say thats the only reason why people dont like him) Its not the color that matters to me, but its what that person does that tends to make me mad. here are a few reasons why i do not like Obama

1. the heath care plan, i dont know why this is even a thought of mind to anyone. The fact that we will be forced to accept this is beyond me. yes you can choose what you want to do at first but after a little while we will be forced to take the health care plan. why, bc there will be a fine each month as much as $700 to anyone who doesnt switch to the heath care plan. this is really messed up, the care will go down, doctors will quit working and new untrained doctors will then be in the care units. (ive talked to multiple doctors and they said they will quite if this gets passed)

2. this is the united states, so i dont undertand why we need to be told what to eat and how we cant eat this or that because its bad for us. A local eating place has already been targeted and had to take allot of stuff off their menus because they had to many calories.

3. the gun issues, dont get me started on this.

but the main this is the heath care plan, i hope to god it dont pass. if anyone wants this bill to pass then they have no idea whats behind it and what it will do. it will bring the united states into major money problems.

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