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Medical marijuana to be OK in some VA clinics

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Two of my good friends that were in the marines are both treated by marijuana... Id hate to see how they are without it after hearing the shit they've done/seen in Iraq.

So don't just say people are asking for it for "pain".

Give me a Fucking break bro.

1. You're talking about someone else, nothing you've never done or experienced first hand.

2. I've been shot once with 2 bullets entering my body, was stabbed twice one time being with a crackhead wielding a screwdriver, pulled my cousins broken and lifeless body from my car in a drunk driving accident, and buried my murdered fiance.

Don't give me that bullshit example when I can say, there are better ways of dealing with pain. Using pain as an excuse is an excuse. If you haven't experienced true pain don't you can't imagine what its like or what you would do. I'm telling you its a copout

Tell me...does this smell like chloroform to you?

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Pot does not save your life from cancer, it helps the person deal with the pain from the cancer!!! And help the person deal with the fact they dying. I know I watched a friend die December 10, 2009 she had brain cancer, had bone cancer, intestinal cancer and I was with her till her very last dying struggling breath!!!!

She was on Oxyicotions, Oxycodone, and Morphine, she would cry not only from pain but cause she was only 48, she wasnt ready to DIE!!!! But when she was high she had a blast hell she made jokes.

So yall on ya soap boxes sayin a person dont need it for pain or to cope with big f'kn issues.

WATCH SOMEONE DIE FROM CANCER, watch them die a lil each day, bring ya asses in here then and say it! If its gonna help a dying person cope with the fact they dying & in pain I'M ALL FUCKING FOR IT!!!!

And as far as our Vets go..... they served their country and dealt with some shit!!!

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Pot does not save your life from cancer, it helps the person deal with the pain from the cancer!!! And help the person deal with the fact they dying. I know I watched a friend die December 10, 2009 she had brain cancer, had bone cancer, intestinal cancer and I was with her till her very last dying struggling breath!!!!

She was on Oxyicotions, Oxycodone, and Morphine, she would cry not only from pain but cause she was only 48, she wasnt ready to DIE!!!! But when she was high she had a blast hell she made jokes.

So yall on ya soap boxes sayin a person dont need it for pain or to cope with big f'kn issues.

WATCH SOMEONE DIE FROM CANCER, watch them die a lil each day, bring ya asses in here then and say it! If its gonna help a dying person cope with the fact they dying & in pain I'M ALL FUCKING FOR IT!!!!

And as far as our Vets go..... they served their country and dealt with some shit!!!

I've never read into it, simply for the fact that I think it's a joke, so I had no clue what it did. It's everyone's personal opinion, I know that if I were put in the situation where I was offered medical drugs to deal with emotional problems, including coping with death, I ABSOLUTELY would not do it, and thats the way I feel. Lets say my bestfriend was on their death bed, smokin a joint, I would respect that and not try to push them away from it, just like I would expect anyone else to respect that I don't want it pushed on me. And I've had several family members survive and die from cancer, it's a part of life and I accept that god has taken them from me. I still think this is all a joke though.

Start out boxy, shape as you move along.

Dc Audio

Team Fur

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Oh and as far as your first post goes........ when you come of age are you joining our Armed Forces to defend our country against all foreign and domestic terrorist??? Cause if you are I want to know what your game plan is for coping with the shit you will be dealing with.......... like hmmmm heres one having to kill a child 9-10 yrs old cause they firing missile launchers at your platoon and its you or him??

Thats the kinda shit our boys deal with on a daily basis

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Oh and as far as your first post goes........ when you come of age are you joining our Armed Forces to defend our country against all foreign and domestic terrorist??? Cause if you are I want to know what your game plan is for coping with the shit you will be dealing with.......... like hmmmm heres one having to kill a child 9-10 yrs old cause they firing missile launchers at your platoon and its you or him??

Thats the kinda shit our boys deal with on a daily basis

No way, I already know I wouldn't be able to bring myself to kill a person, I can't even hit a person without an exceptionally good reason, it's just not the kind of person I am. I said, no one in the armed forces deserves to go through that, but they should have been prepared. I mean if you join the military you can't exactly expect to never see combat. I'm by no means saying it's easy to deal with anything like that, but it SHOULD be expected. I'm not trying to say anyone is right or wrong by the actions they take, I just think the whole medical pot thing is stupid, and that's my personal opinion.

I don't want anyone to be offended by what I say, and I think I've already taken it to far and off topic, so I think I'll sit the rest of this thread out. I'll for sure keep an eye on it though.

Start out boxy, shape as you move along.

Dc Audio

Team Fur

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so whats being said is..they took a job knowing what there going into and get to smoke pot because of it. well that means we all can smoke pot because of jobs we all took no matter what the job. look at doctors they have to cut up kids of 9 or 10. morticians who have to drain them or cremate a person whos been splattered across the road. we all take jobs for different reasons. in my opinion if they want to smoke then smoke. but blaming it on medical reasons i dont know. and someone dieing of cancer is different than someone who seen shit. what about kids who have been rapped should they be alowed to smoke.

Edited by Reaper
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so whats being said is..they took a job knowing what there going into and get to smoke pot because of it. well that means we all can smoke pot because of jobs we all took no matter what the job. look at doctors they have to cut up kids of 9 or 10. morticians who have to drain them or cremate a person whos been splattered across the road. we all take jobs for different reasons. in my opinion if they want to smoke then smoke. but medical i dont know. and someone dieing of cancer is different than someone who seen shit. what about kids who have been rapped should they be alowed to smoke.

That really holds no weight with me considering I was rapped by my own father from the time I was 11-14 yrs old , and I have one of the most addicting personalities yet the only thing I am addicted to is caffeine and nicotine.

I dont drink except once in a blue moon, and I dont do recreational drugs.

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When I smoked pot, I did it because I wanted to get high, no other reason than that. Now, with that being said, I know the effects of pot fairly well. As far as pot being used to cope with mental issues, sure, it will help, but only because the person is high. It is not helping with their condition. Mental issues and physical pain are not the same in my opinion.

But I think pot has a lot of benefits for some people. As has been said, cancer patients. A very good family friend was dying of cancer, the only thing that would help her fight the nausea of the chemo was pot. She couldn't eat for days when she had her treatments, but if she just smoked a little bit of weed, the nausea was gone and she could eat fine. It also did help with the discomfort of the pain, but it did not get rid of the pain. If she didn't have weed, she could barely get out of her house. With a little bit of weed, she was able to go on a trip to Walt Disney World with my family and I would not take that away from my kids ever, they enjoyed that time with her before she died.

This person was not getting totally baked, she would just need a small hit to get rid of the nausea (you ever hear of the munchies?). Aids patients also have the same benefits with fighting nausea.

Now I am not saying everyone should be using it as a cop out, but don't get on your high horse (pun intended) and preach to others about how they need to cope with things in their life. Every person is different. Some people can dismember a person and be okay with it, others freak out with a mosquito bite. Just because you would never use any sort of drug doesn't mean that nobody should

Edited by bobonit

97 Maxima SE

Bunch of shit going in, check out the build


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