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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/12 in Posts

  1. My oh my how the family is growing. And to think there is even MORE coming soon. serial #000001 on everything of course
    1 point
  2. Good boy,.. the only,.. ONLY place a bottle of the Jager should be,... is in the ice box,...........PERIOD... Cheers my friend........ thats the one thing i hate about the "liquor store" here there shit is all warm.fuckin kroger bought the liquor liscencs.fuckin closing an hour early an shit.
    1 point
  3. Im loaded........ maybe a lil to loaded,.. started to early,.. and didnt eat ...well, yet.. But, im a play me some "shoot you in the fuggin face game" !!! Outside,.. cuz, well, it is B_E_A_utifl!!!... i like the way u game bro.. but i still say adam is gay kuz hes not as drunk as i am yet hahahaa
    1 point
  4. Jesus. between this, the VU-din and VM-1 i'll be spending quite a bit of money here soon. I can't wait to get my hands on this one. It will be very interesting to actually see what is going on with how my system is set up and help me make some changes to improve on it.
    1 point
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