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Everything posted by Godsmack

  1. Thanks Tim-may and everyone else. I got it VERY lucky to be here for my deployment, and not else where. To those of you who are in less safer places, I wish you the very best with all the blessings of the holiday seasons on you, your comrads, and most of all your families. Those of you in safer places...........get in the kitchen, down a beer for those unable to, and give ur kid and woman a hug and kiss. Those are the 2 things those of us away from home miss most. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
  2. Havin to go ino work again in the evening even if its only for an hr or 2 fuck dat shit
  3. Got hosed for 900 on a PS3 and some games through a PayPal verified merchant. Through eBay they do guarentee up to 20 G so............. J
  4. YES many other people get in trouble for it. BUT they get fucked with too. Just in different ways. Vick needed to be made an example out of. He is an ignorant LYING mother fucker. He lied UNDER OATH and when his boys smartly said "fuck dis. we out u on ur own" cause they knew thye was caught, and knew they'd be better off than trying to go to trial with this cumstain. As for other pro athletes, dude back this statement up. If there are other's they might be caught, they might not. That's their gig not mine. To horse racing.............I have known a few jockey's and horse trainers in my day. Are they ran? YES are they trained? YES. But they are VERY well taken care of, not abused, and the trainer's take better care of them then some people do their own kids!!! Its a NIG differencer from dog fighting. The purpose there is to run the horse as well and as fast as you can, not to make another animal suffer and quite often die. Ger ur head out of your four point of contact and then try again little girl. J
  5. yea Job title.............Its an abbriviation for Military Occupational Skill..........seeing as how u ain't even heard of this I gotta figure u haven't even seen a recruiter yet man. Holla at me when you wanna enlist. I'll even help ya get an extra grand if ya want. Pays me a grand too. J
  6. With u postin about the military this IS NOT a view point to take. Okay the thousands of Kurds Saddaam gassed were gonna die anyways, so why not put them out of their misery too huh? Or what about the Jews? D, u got ALOT of growing up to do. With a mindset like urs, its how people become 'training accidents' ya fuckin j'moche. J
  7. reinke, u didn't do that MOS for whatever reason. Counter intel is still a vailid MOS and taking people badly. Therefore it was YOUR issue that caused u to not get that job. As such u lose ur bonus. For vocational schools they WILL pay for it it just requires ASS loads of paper work. Lastly don't EVER EVER EVER think u can't be deployed at any time. Anyone who is done with boot and AIT and thinks that is a fucking moron. Deployments are now for 15 mths. Nat guard and reserves may be sticking to just 12 mths. That I ain't TOTALLY sure of right now. Plus nat. guard drill moiney just like the reserves ain't really dick. Don't think it is. Its enough to compensate you for some time. So opening a shop may be hella difficult man. Also what MOS are you going into? I might be able to give ya some insite man. J
  8. well with the off hand.............okay then I can buy it............ru naturally left and went right beacuse of brass ejection? It would make sense now
  9. for only 25 meter's I am dissapointed man.............VERY dissapointed. Its not even a zero-ing target LOL J
  10. He is recovering ALOT and WAY faster than ever expected. At this pace the is a CHANCE he could step on the field again.............keep in mind its a VERY small chance. Keep him in ur prayers guys. He's a VERY Buffalo oriented athlete and in our area thats VERY rare!!!! J
  11. I would like to thank Lars Ullrich for all of this. If it wasn't for him and a college kid making Napster we wouldn't be here now. These over paid douchebags need to get in touch with reality. You jack up the ticket prices on us, charge us WAY too much over the actual cost of making a CD, sell ur shit to iTunes for 99 cents a song, and then have the balls to say "copying a cd to ur iPod is stealing?? Okay if thats the case lemme get this staright. If you have the ingrediants for a cocktail like mudslides and make your own instead of buying the mixer and adding booze that would be stealing right? I am damn near the point of swearing off almost all music. J
  12. I got 3 of em now and bought more. Its DAMN great gear and well worth the $$$ Now to compare it to Rockford I cannot........only owned one RF amp LOL J
  13. Ur fine in Kuwait........Iraq is another story. Just take my word here........... I been to Kuwait before............safe place surprisingly. They keep to themselves. J
  14. Burrito.............sorry man ur anger, one other comment then acceptance and explaination is Like john goodman in The Big Lebowski............scene "Mark it fucking zero!!" J
  15. actually Expo unless they think there will be a madd fight about it they will confiscate, burn, or cut up the ID...............At least in WNY they do that shit
  16. speakin of new...........i PM'd ya about me gettin 18+ access......is it cause i'm not over 1k yet or what man?
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