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Everything posted by mikeneufeld

  1. maybe somebody with " an in " can get some testing to see how it performs against other drivers in its class...ie IA DP 18, fi btl 18 and Mt 18 nice looking woofer btw
  2. generally even the zx2500 is cheaper than a t2001....
  3. thanks for all the help, ya, i gess u cant go wrong at that price...
  4. is this model discontinued?
  5. seems to be quite impressive spec wise,,,,, but who knows....
  6. anyone have experience with this amp, does it do rated power and how is the xtant cooling tech on it, any feedback would be great. Would like to run 1 of these to IA Dp 12's
  7. lol, awesome, i used to run 4 10"'s in a old honda prelude with old school punch amp, i loved thse subs, sounded good/ The old Rf Glory days.. if im not mistaken, they handled 400 rms nd 800 max... congrats
  8. cant you get em on ebay 4 100 buck more NEW?
  9. is that jigsaw made in germany, if i mite ask, nurnbringen to be exact?
  10. nice, looks like a fun roller coaster ride....lol.... headshok is like a kid in a candy store, oh my god, fukin awesome
  11. never been a big jbl fan, but that amp is well built and puts out more than rated power and looks damn good, a little on the pricey side for what else is availible out there, all in all a good amp....... but its a refurb.....
  12. very nice, what that run ya, also check ur pm's,
  13. i can get the re's for a very good price a few hundred more than btl's so i would go re, just dont know what to expect, dd and apx will get loud as hell, but will not touch the sq of the xxx
  14. cool, hey roscoe, do the apx's sound like ass, and have u ever worked with them at all...
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