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Everything posted by Beanz

  1. yup we get them in cards too. guess too many people would sell the stamps for money.
  2. i guess to show of where he came from the hood of using stamps and now showing of where he is now. not too sure thought
  3. so can i add the rods to the sides of the ports?
  4. NICE INTERIOR.have you gone to 160 yet?even thought i know you cant all stock but have you attempted it lol
  5. here is a pic of how im suppose to do it sorry my paint skills SUCK but could i add the bracing on to the wooden port?
  6. yup one amp for both.and where do i get these rods at?
  7. well thats what i plan on doin is putting both subs in the same enclosure but should i put each sub in their own chambers or jsut have it in the big box?
  8. yeah sum tupac songs dont bump that good.havent tried those songs though
  9. thanks guys for the info i appericate it.but should i single chamber it or put each sub in thier own chamber?both subs are 15s. and how do you double baffle it?
  10. okay so should i use a single champer for box subs or keep them in their own chamber? and that wood port how would it look since it's goin to be on top of the box?
  11. next a wall with 200000 watts MAXX pyle and lanzar everywhere. breaks windows from 3 blocks away,
  12. FUCK you got sum nice flex on their.now i really want to build my box now,
  13. so as the year draws to an end so does income tax so that mean money for box now im goin to build a box but what materials do i need i know I need mdf 3/4 but what kind of glue do i use?what nails or screws do i need if i need any? Will I need two sheets of mdf? or one? if my dimensions are 33Wx16.5Hx19D and what the heck is a wood port? its suppose to be 4x4x14 the port will be on top of box
  14. Beanz


    yeah they are over ratted.if you want at least 1200 rms get the brutus 1606.i think the 1206 does like 900-1000.But all aside great amp i ran both the 1206 and the 1606 and they do their job.especially for the 200 bucks that they are worth,
  15. for 120?DAMN i could get a new stereo well idk i might just roll all black like that for a while but its gonna be a bitch trying to find out how loud it's at.
  16. oh crap take the whole stereo apart.im scared now lol
  17. well i tried the cleanig the teeth and it still dont wanna come on do i push the ribbon cable back so i can clean the teeth? does anyone know how to take off the ribbon cable? it just turned one year old with me but i bought it used and i think he had it for like 4-6 months not really sure,
  18. yeah i sure do and it is pretty cold around i live it's 7 degrees out side.so i put the eraser on the place teeth and the face teeth right?
  19. i guess it had a crappy signal.gues his rcas would always crap out on him.
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