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Everything posted by 2000LaDe

  1. im gonna make a vid for you steve this weekend. chocolate milk trick but try it with a 1gallon jug of milk
  2. i think i just puked a little opening up this thread
  3. Lame. Means u gotta trade me woofers but u gotta load them all haha
  4. sponsorships are practically obsolete nowadays. but if you know your stuff or have done well in the past or show some solid work you can typically get ahold of some companies and they can give you a better deal than a dealer would. but honestly there is pretty much no hand outs anymore.
  5. how practical is setting 2 people when the vehicle is supposed to set like 5 people? who said i was going for good sounding at 20hz? i just want it above a 150 so no matter what is played its above a 150. which means loud all the time. not peaky as hell. even with your 20 years of so called experience you have not come to comprehend that its not common to break 160 behind the c pillar sealed up at 30hz. yet you still expect this too? i just dont get it. you will go on and on about how badass your van is even though its not really that badass if i compare it to my old van i had before this. so if you want people to be like OMG you are awesome start your own (OMG IM SO AWESOME THREAD) and get out of mine. 20 yrs of experience pft.... guess you havent learned how not to be a dickbag in that time. car audio is not about whos dick is bigger like you are trying to show.
  6. some people just dont understand that its next to impossible (not saying it is cuz i know i can) to do a 160 at 30hz from behind c pillar. my astro would have dominated your usaci van wether it would have came to music or burp. im not just a new kid on the block throwing lots of things in one vehicle and expecting to be busting 160s. i know better than that. put my system at B pillar and tell me how it does? just some peoples thick skulls dont comprehend that this is behind c pillar not b pillar. yes its alot of equipment thats because i could fit it behind c pillar which is what i wanted. i can drive around with 6 people and tow 12,000lbs while doing mid 150s on music. what does this mean? its more practical and useful then any other walled off at b pillar vehicle. thats why i built it. i sold my van after i decided i wanted something i could drive around and not have to worry about weight or even being able to haul people around. can your 160 outlaw do that? these were built for 2 different reasons. im not in it for numbers but when it comes down to it its going to be doing numbers. i have stuff already in my head that i think will put me close to the 160 mark behind c pillar at and around 30hz. but that plan wont happen for awhile. im not worried about people hating because i know from what i have and what i hear and how much power im seeing that its doing damn well no matter what some guy thinks. cuz honestly ive had my van bassracing over 161's so when it comes to numbers i could care less. its more about being practical now. so if you are impressed great. if you think its ok great. if you dont like it great. im happy as hell where im at right now since i built this thing in a week and a half. oh yah this would dominate icemans lows if it was at b pillar like his but i give him mad props he has by far THE BEST hair tricks of all time.
  7. there are a few things im gonna do in a month or so when i get back from doin my military stuff. rounding some corners and trying different things out along with bracing the hell out of the roof and port. along with sealing the port from the bed because ive still not done that yet.
  8. but honestly i dont mind negative comments if they make sense and have some kind of thought behind them. lots of equipment does not mean shit when it comes to numbers if thats the case i would buy a bunch of 20 dollar subs and do 190 db. thats just not the case. im not even looking to do 160 at 30hz for the simple fact it would destroy my truck. hell where its at now is starting to do it as well. you should sit back and read RAY's post a few posts back. he is a man that understands how stereos work obviously you have no clue.
  9. so i went to the shop and put my maxxlink in as a line driver. i was able to turn down the gains on the amps which is nice but my score didnt go up it actually went down but i think it has to do with the vehicle loosening up from all the stupid ammount of low end bass it has. snapped the center roof brace so the roof in the middle has at least 4" of throw on it up and down. im sure that by itself is hurting me. but like i said it was built for demo's so the numbers arent too important. its only for those who care about them thats why they are being posted. so i decided to see between what frequency range i was actually doing over a 150. needless to say im VERY VERY pleased. 22hz ALL THE WAY UP TO 58hz oooooo soo close to being able to do over 150 from 20 to 60. maybe with some modification and stuff i will be able too thats my new goal. not seeing how loud i can get it but how loud for the most frequencies WOOT oh and got bored in the box keep in mind all these scores are sealed on the dash. db drag style is the only true way to meter haha
  10. you dont even want to try to compare your van with my van that i had before this. honestly if you sat in my truck your theory w/e it is would change in a hurry. you do realize im pressurizing a cabine over twice the size of yours right? oh and i peak at 30hz. do u know what a vehicle that peaks at 30hz feels like? im not gonna sit here and explain the many reasons its not doing a 160. but if you still like seeing whos dick is bigger. how many people do you know that break a 160 when the whole stereo is built behind the c pillar and peaks at 30hz or even low 30hz?
  11. oh believe me i will be should still have the pole laying around that i had in my van that was no use because the windshield did not flex so we took it out. so hopefully we still have it because its a large piece of square tube steel.
  12. so come to find out an amp / 4 subs were out of phase this whole time. i gotta crawl in the box and rewire it tomorrow. for now i just changed the phase on that amp to match. so i guess it should hopefully be louder now that everything is flowing the same direction haha. I fail since i wired it all myself. but hell it was one of the last rows of subs i put in so i was exhausted. simple mistake when wiring up 48 subs. hell it took me 10 hours to do it all anyways. so its safe to say that my score is not as good as it should have been or will be. not sure how the broken roof brace is going to effect my score yet either. sold my TL so i gotta borrow the one at the shop and see how its changed.
  13. End of the year for the 15s and I doubt he will produce a 2.5" coil 18
  14. Time for a modded stripper pole for the center of my roof. Snapped the brace demoing for j31rob today. King kong chopped and screwed. Come to find out as well that a set of subs were not working on the drivers side I guess when Jacob clamped the amp accidentally 1 of the wires came out of the amp. And then another wire had come out of one of the subs as well. That could have been my 157 haha. O well no biggy
  15. Yes like an hour but I won't be around for the next month and a half. Tons of military stuff going on so I won't be around which kinda sucks. Have a few ideas on how to improve my score also snapped my center roof brace so now I have no dome light
  16. take a guess on how much she weighs. i just got home from NC and decided to put her on the scale to get a rough idea what she weighs. oh and keep in mind she still gets 15-16mpg on the interstate.
  17. lol I'm not even gonna put myself through the toture of trying to explain the many reasons it's not. If you don't know then I guess someone else can tell you
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