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Everything posted by EricR

  1. you have a 4 ohms sub thats 400 watts rms....not talking down on kenwood but they are not the best brand to go for subs but hey you gotta start some where....so the amp is 300 watts rms at 4 ohms so it will match the sub perfectly without overpowering it....so you should be set edit....never bought anything from the site but im sure its legit....
  2. id get this.... http://www.onlinecarstereo.com/CarAudio/Pr...ProductID=17675
  3. 252 users.....only 10 members but damn thats alotta guests....
  4. fuckers.....they said i need a cosigner.....i think my dad will help me out....hopefully
  5. BME Click i think its called last track on old lil jons cd
  6. thanks guys, its always been my dream but most people want someone with job experience and ive never had an actual job doing it so this way ill almost be guaranteed to have a job upon graduating......or lets hope so
  7. well i heard about mobile dynamics a few months ago when i joined the RF forum....ive been working on car audio and building boxes since i was 15 and its been my dream to have a job doing it......well me and my wife sat down and talked about it and she can get a loan from her job to cover about half the tuition soooo i sent in the finance papers today to see if i get approved for the 8 week program in phoenix arizona.....if im approved ill be driving to phoenix at the end of july to start my classes.....damn this is no joke either its Fo real....
  8. lol at the end "hes prolly gettin deported, got your green card buddy"
  9. just washed my car yesterday and its raining....FUCK THAT
  10. when will the lvl 5's be available.....because if im going to sell my btl i want the best yall got
  11. EricR

    Car Show Pics

    yea i was lookin in the post your own pics thread and figured id make a new thread dedicated to Car Shows edit.....ahh i wasnt thinking, one of the mods can move it if need be
  12. EricR

    Car Show Pics

    made this thread for car show pics.....these are pics of the Dub car show i went to in dallas last month.
  13. damn i cant believe none of these have sold.....i was planning on getting one next week but i got a speeding ticket yesterday soooo fuck tha police FTW
  14. lawl....no need for drama mang's.....x2 post yo numbers man id like to see what you hit...
  15. hey i was wondering if i glassed a mold from my wheel well and sent it to you could you incorporate it in the bottom of a box....
  16. damn that bitch got a camel toe goin on i never seen that before :0
  17. thats a pretty good deal bro but you coulda posted this in any one of your other threads....
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