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Ahmed Johnson

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Everything posted by Ahmed Johnson

  1. Ok Gruden we get it you don't like Cutler. Thank god they got him with Tirico.

  2. Lol. I told Orion I would rather be a fat ass than weigh 130 lbs. Holy shit, you are a little dude afficionado. Last time I saw 130 lbs on the scale I was going through puberty.
  3. LMAO. That's what I'm talking about when I say I'd rather be fat than skinny. Even though a 320 lb man still has about 100 lbs on me, lol!
  4. One thing I'll say about CPD, considering that some of the hoods they go through people are really shooting at them, they really don't have itchy trigger fingers. Don't get me wrong, they'll shoot the shit out of you but it's not like they are scared and shaking or some shit before they have too.
  5. cops can be DICKS for sure (not all though). But if you grab for one of their buns If a man tries and grab my buns I'm definitely shooting him
  6. Yeah, after thinking about it, the first one I would let go. I would probably try and fight him though. Second for sure though, I'm shooting.
  7. Why don't people want boxes above the window line in the trunk of an suv?

  8. You damn right that's ugly as hell. But I know he gets mad pussy saying "Yeah baby, that's real zebra". Pimp shit!
  9. I agree with most of the shit broke audio is talking about. I think he's being sarcastic about that racist shit.
  10. he didn't go looking for trouble.. if he did someone would have gotten shot.. protesters are everywhere and are getting in everyone's way He might have bitched up at the last second. maybe the protesters are the ones looking for trouble.. they are walking up the street making driver run them over to call the cops and see if they shoot them.. funny how all of the car drivers who have ran people over happen to be white.. its not hard to stand in 1 corners with a walkie talkie and page your friend when a white person drives by so they can cause the accident Funny how you keep bringing up race when the crowd looked mixed to me. There looked like 2 diferent drivers that were both white but only one was having problems
  11. He would have to be blind deaf and dumb not to know where the protesters are. The other driver didn't seem to get fucked with like the guy in the van. If these protesters was looking for trouble everyone would've got it.
  12. "looking for trouble" aka driving home from work like a normal civilized individual? man i would hate to be in a position to run people over but if they start surrounding you and breaking your car windows, kicking dents in the car, i might just floor it too. And so would you guys don't fuckin' lie. I wouldn't hesitate to run 'em down. But if I was holding, the heat wouod get put to use if somebody kicked my car or broke a window. I wouldn't hesitate too, but alot of people talking about what they would've done and they would shoot the people haven't been in any type of situation like that. Yes, I would've been shooting way before a mothafucka had the chance to kick my shit. But like I said, I'll go looking for trouble sometimes.
  13. Ok, so instead of calling the cops should they have shot the driver?No you're missing my point the protestor's Want the cops to arrest the man and when they do they still find a reason to complain and pull the race card. Yeah well it's not hard to tell the bitch screaming was an idiot.
  14. "looking for trouble" aka driving home from work like a normal civilized individual? man i would hate to be in a position to run people over but if they start surrounding you and breaking your car windows, kicking dents in the car, i might just floor it too. And so would you guys don't fuckin' lie. Yeah I would've but if I know they are gonna be road blocks I'm gonna drive another route. Unless I wanted someone trouble and believe you and me I am the type to look for trouble.
  15. Ok, so instead of calling the cops should they have shot the driver?
  16. he didn't go looking for trouble.. if he did someone would have gotten shot.. protesters are everywhere and are getting in everyone's way He might have bitched up at the last second.
  17. You see the fool at 1:05 acting like he was about to fight the van? Anyways, a part of me does feel like he came down there looking for trouble. Only thing is if he did want to come down there to shoot some shit up he had the perfect opportunity when he was surrounded.
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