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Everything posted by wfeld

  1. i had to log in to reply for this one, qdoba sucks, doesn't even taste like mexican food =\
  2. what about high asses? marijuana is a beautiful plant
  3. i didnt watch the video, ive seen videos of animal cruelty, and i dont want to see it. There is a wet seal animal abuse video i saw a few years back on a counterstrike mutual website that was VERY disturbing. (animal cruelty being shown) I don't think people should watch animal abuse, because it is so horrifying. I still remember it to this day, fucking terrible what humans can do.
  4. sublime is the shit marley does have a dont worry be happy song tho.
  5. nismo hifonics and fosgate are both great amps, both would do him right
  6. get a 12" BL with a t1000bd will be loud as fuck
  7. yea this coming week will be my 3rd. Ive heard a lot of systems, but havent seen any of them. Mine is a lot louder than most.
  8. people who sucker punch others are a bunch of pussies. hope you find them and beat their ass.
  9. sell that crap, save your money and get something worthwhile imho
  10. looks like u got a little old geforce card on that sucker lemme guess ti..200?
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