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Everything posted by Chode69

  1. i hope everything goes well for your grandpa and your family
  2. i have selective reading so i had to do a double look at the title of this thread i thought it said "getting laid tomorrow" and i was like why is there a thumbs down is this guy GAY...then i re read and yea. sorry to read that bro...hope everything turns out good and you find a new job real quick
  3. http://members.iinet.net.au/~pontipak/redsquare.html
  4. so should i just buy everythihng separately and find the best way to make a loud, low sounding horn?
  5. you see theres the problem....you shouldnt be driving in a ditch
  6. at least moisten the end to it can slide out easier DUH :-[
  7. when i put in some peoples subs and the wire it a little thick for it, i trim down the strands with a box cutter going around til it fits perfectly. thats just what i do....
  8. well im not looking to spend 500 dollars. i was looking at that one..i was going to wait til next year and jsut save up for it (i have the money now but i still wanna save and hold off) but i want one now and this looks like a good deal. what about this http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Chrome-Trai...062742939QQrdZ1 or this http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Chrome-Trai...bayphotohosting I REALLY like that last one
  9. what a fag...i dont knwo how to build boxes and i could do better than that. "grease box"?? looks more like liquid ass after mexican box
  10. ill have both...the loud system AND teh train horn
  11. im thinking about getting a trian horn for my truck. What you yall know about/think about this system. I know its a starter kit basically but its cheap and not too too loud. I know its comparible to an audio person starting off with some P2s but still i want to know any feedback on this item http://cgi.ebay.com/Triple-Train-Horn-with...1QQcmdZViewItem
  12. yea that Team RF is a pretty wimpy sub
  13. that was quite graphic...but will show people what can/will happen in such a situation. some people dont realize (like me) and will straighten people out. i definitely took that in....
  14. im thinking about horning my truck next year....when summer starts ima get me a complete set
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