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Everything posted by ChevyBoy

  1. i dont see how 2 subs thatre rated at 250rms a piece can handle more than 1 sub rated at 800 rms and with options can take over 1000.
  2. i disagree with 2 things. my buddy has had it on over a year and its perfect like it was sprayed yesterday. and waxing, just wet sand and clear it. then wet sand again, buff/wax it, and youre good to go.
  3. thought u wouldve had some sympathy for the damn guy. good job anyway, sorry to hear that man.
  4. because you need 150 to sell. enough said. thats the rules. dont like it...leave
  5. theyre calling flat head sheet metal screws, and flat head machine screws
  6. pull a specific screw out of the bag to show which one youre talking about. i just bought some screws at my hardware store today.
  7. you can have different "levels" of detailing. some people just wash/wax/vacuum. others will buff, clean your entire engine bay and undercarriage, and other things.
  8. probably shitty as hell. it will sound like/will be a hole in the exhaust.
  9. good idea to get a light! so when the enemy/w.e sees the light, he knows EXACTLY where to shoot. since most people would hold the gun right in front of them, boom, there goes your chest.
  10. stinger doesnt compare anywhere in size to knukonceptz. i highly doubt it was louder going to a smaller cable.
  11. http://reaudio.com/speaker_box/LPort_Box_Calc.html
  12. shouldve just went to the court house which is "10 minutes away" and paid the damn thing off there. then you wouldnt have to deal with this shit.
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