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Everything posted by Siete_Cinqo

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  7. One my teammates listened to this car at a DUB show a few years back. He said, bass wise it sounded like complete ass.
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  9. Negative my friend! Rent and or Mortgage is going to be very cheap. (Well at least to our standards) Food and day to day expenses will be similar to actual LA living but will be some what cheaper. The area is geared to be affordable to military personal and families so it's kept budget able for them. I will say, it is far away from LA and to me it is like a dead zone. I picture it to be like what it is to live in other lonesome states, As far as the Palmdale/Lancaster area, stay away if you have teenagers. The area is infested with drug use. The only part of my family that happened to move out there due to it being so cheap ended up with two of my cousin's totally out of their mind. My female cousin randomly disappears and leaves her kids behind with out care. My male cousin is totally out of it as well and even poured gasoline on his wife and came close to igniting her. The drug use comes from migration of low income families that moved there to be able to afford a home. Forcing parents to work multiple jobs and leaving the kids unattended. So unsupervised kids plus an extremely boring area equates to kids entertaining themselves with drugs. Which in turn makes the area into a bad area to raise teenagers.... Now there is some nice area still remaining and I believe the are building more schools so I would look into that if I was planning on moving into that area.
  10. Something I want to try, is diluting the spectrum a bit and adding some construction sand into the mix for box coating. Just to see what I get.......
  11. You could use spectrum as a sub for this product that was pulled. IMO it leaves a nice texture that looks better then the product being discussed.
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  13. I would go with shuriken because who has'nt seen a kinetic swell up......
  14. LOL! Then come on down on August 13th. It will be posted shortly...
  15. Post up what is considered east coast Hip Hop
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  17. What brand of bed liner did he shoot it with? Looks good btw. Makes me want to try something similar but on a much smaller scale.
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