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Status Updates posted by getonerd

  1. the day keep on getting better my surge protector died on me i thougt my ps3 died

  2. The more things change, the more they stay the same

  3. thinkin of painting the whole living room red and find some curtains to match

  4. Thinking about getting back into the pc building and learn how to use after effect photoshop and some pc gaming

  5. thinking about goin to some Haunted Houses this year

  6. thinking what to do next

  7. This day sucks I rewire my remote wire been feeling sick at work son had a poopey pull-up and I was in the middle of giving him a bath he pee on my leg

  8. This old man needs an old change and a tune up lol

  9. Thunder storms in February gotta love some Ohio lol

    1. Soccerballzs


      Lighting in Columbus!

  10. tired need a good night sleep

  11. Today ain't goin to be a fun

  12. Too early I feel like I didn't sleep at all

  13. Up early can sleep (burger king lol) got a job interview later so done with fast food lol

  14. Wait on the glue on the mdf ring to dry and then I might start on the box

  15. waiting on the food to be done

  16. waking up sucks after u been drinking root beer choc chip fappies

  17. Want some sweet potato pie

  18. wanting cheap ass pizza

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OrionStang


      Had PapaJohns tonight. Thin crust double pepperoni and a large with BBQ sauce, chicken, bell peppers, and jalepenos. Had a coupon LOL.

    3. Miguels


      papajohns and round table pizza are good.. maybe the best in LA

    4. WastedTalent


      no california pizza kitchen?

  19. wanting some donuts holes (choc) from Duncan Donuts

  20. wants some breakfast but dont feel like cooking or cleanin of my car off to get some so no breakfast lol

  21. watching the scarface remake got a lot crap to do and think about

  22. watching weeds how or why i miss this show

  23. Well can't sleep

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