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Everything posted by Airborne

  1. Exactly. Now they just need to make more conversion kits. No one has them in stock.
  2. This is the controlled serialized part. Everything else is considered "accessories". I am going to a bike show in Rockingham this weekend (decided not to carry) but I plan on shooting it next week. I will have a full wright up. It is .40 right now, but I have the .45 compact conversion on order.
  3. Nope, I heard the guy say "I want him to fail". He didn't mention anything about policies or anything like that until people called him on it and he had to back peddle. He wants Obama to fail. Period.
  4. My local Wally Worlds are constantly empty as fook! Thanks for the tip though, I'll bet I can con the stock boy. I target shoot everything I own and run out of da boolits pretty fast.
  5. I just picked up a Sig P250 in .40 andhavn't had a chance to break any bottles with it, but I think this weakend will let me put a couple of rounds through it. Mine is the compact by the way. I scored one wicked deal on some 180gr federal. Can't wait to see how they shoot.
  6. I have been hitting up pawn shops lately and found pretty good deals on ammo, might want to try that. Don't worry though, once the ammo companies are done taking advantage of us things will settle down.
  7. This one is funny... "Dick Cheney, oh my God, he's a scary man, scares me to death. I tell my kids, I says, 'Look, if two cars pull up, and one has a stranger, and the other car has Dick Cheney, you get in the car with the stranger.'" But they should have booked Dave Chapell, at least people know who he is and he tells jokes. She was actually politically grand standing while The president was flat out making fun of himself and Biden. I'm sure we won't be hearing from her soon... except maybe on the view.
  8. They ask for too much information to be legit. Look up Clark Howard, dude will tell you about every scam out ther.
  9. PLEASE TELL ME YOU DID NOT GIVE THEM A CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD NUMBER!!!!!!!!! If you did you need to shut your shit down right now! No respectable company PHISHES (look that up please) for info. You stand the risk of getting robbed blind.
  10. I can't wait man. I work with lots of weapons but rarely get to mess with nrewer shit. I am going to do the same if ever get my P250.
  11. I was going to get a Glock 30, but couldn't pass up the deal. The 30 is pretty much THE sub cob compact.
  12. Ed's Gun Shop in Vass, NC is half that price on .40. I am getting a pile of it to go plinking with pretty soon.
  13. I got it after I met some Sig reps at a symposium. I got a decent discount and love the fact that for a little over a G I can have a .9mm, .45, .40 and .357 all with the same trigger squeeze.
  14. Great choice man. I was considering this one and ended up getting a Sig P250 in .40. NC has retarded laws too (no shit, they are from the Jim Crow laws). I might get to bring it home next week.
  15. Great questions. I want to kill every single pecker headed "breeder" that sells their dogs at Wallyworld. They are the people responsible for the "angry" dogs who are so far in-bread they want to kill everything in their path.
  16. What sucks is these dogs are perfect for kids and nice people in general. They are so forgiving and appreciative that they are flat out pussies. But perfect familie dogs. Now the Goldie we just got counters all of that and the Greys for some reason will kill you if the pup calls you out.
  17. Thanks man, can you believe these bad ass dogs would be killed when they couldn't race any more?Here is our newest addition... Ginger.
  18. We are rescuers of sorts wit Greys Eagle "Eagle of Ruckus" Timber "Grey's Timber Wolf"
  19. I did not look through every post and missed the actual dog post. Sorry, delete me please. We are rescuers of sorts wit Greys Eagle "Eagle of Ruckus" Timber "Grey's Timber Wolf"
  20. That paint is over priced and doesn't like too much sun. Plus it was old 5 years ago.
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