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Everything posted by sayhuh?

  1. With the sun out too... Suitland (and the surrounding area...not sure if he is still in that area, but his shop use to be) is a rough area man, but that is just shady and ballsy as f... Get em Terry!
  2. inb4 that person says 'Meade can only do 152 with 4 15s' lol You know it will happen. Looks like fun man! Thank you for the fix...er I mean update!!
  3. Damn these builds. I keep checking back daily for progress, then as I do, I keep thinking about another big build.
  4. I get your point man. Winter, no alt to put on the car..hard to drive without an alt lol. I'm with N8 on this. Ecotec is prob the problem.
  5. Box calls for .3 to like .4 per 8. Your rock music might be clipped, along with your gains not set right and the amp is clipping. Small box, too much power? huh?
  6. Removable windshieldplexi (cause it will be needed lol) that bolts back shut..duH! lol With that note...it can't be done
  7. Awesome! So who is it in the video saying 'that shits sick' (or something like that)? You say wife, I shall envy you...mine would be like neat-o with a
  8. So ittle! Those turbos are cute. In other words...holy fuck I am jealous!
  9. Steve, everyone has haters. Just means you're doing it right. Time and time again, you do this kind of thing and to that, my hat is off to you!!
  10. Terry..the true king. And he is right down the road from me and still haven't met him yet lol
  11. ^^^ Does it still if it is a trailer ride. Not saying that's Steve's plan. Just curious. Also, what does it take to pass Cali laws vs else where? Is it simple shit? Anyways, Can't wait to see this going!!
  12. In need to have a drink...or three.

  13. Is that supposed to be an argument? In case it is. No thanks. ;-) BB, this is for a humor factor for those who may find humor in it. You can go over to places like thethinkingatheist and have those debates
  14. Who is bashing??? And why come in all rent a mod? No one is bashing the amp...simply asking questions since so much info was left out..
  15. You also know, that the .5 load test, is reactive right? .Not nominal....Would you wire to like .2 ? I thought it was nominal not reactive. Like nominal would mean that it is always .5 and a reactive load would change. Could be wrong though. No, the Dyno tests using purely resistive loads. It is NOT subject to any type of rise. If a test is done at 1 ohm, then that is what the amp is seeing for the entire duration of that test. Now that being said, the dynamic test is much easier on the amp and electrical than the certified or uncertified tests. I would be very surprised if that amp stayed on for a .5ohm certified test. And for the fact that he simply states they will not warranty the amp at .5 ohm. I don't get why a company would test at .5 ohm load and then not warranty if they are going to brag about results? Still great numbers and loved my 4500s. We did the test because customers requested it, and just because we cannot warranty them at that load does not mean a lot of our competitors don't run it at that load without issues =) They are on an uncharged bank of (16v) batteries (4 Batteries), so of course the dynamic runs are short and not as much of a drain on the batteries as the cert and uncert tests, but nonetheless it gets the point across that this is a very strong amplifier. The Certified and Uncertified Tests are the most accurate tests to go by if you are looking for real power at 1 ohm. I get that part, but to advertise it as such...I mean the intro to this thread says Dyno results 8600 watts. I'd just hate to see someone buy it and ruin it and it not be warrantied for something you advertised saying hey looky here. You know I love the amps. I had two, until I sold the car. Would still have them if I had something to put them in. At least put a disclaimer in the first post lol. People these days are so huge in to running a lower (most of the time unneeded) impedance and then when the thing pops...oops sorry. And no one is hating (not me at least I still run Skar lol). It's seeing an amp posted up doing something like this with little info to go on that throws the red flag. Can the amp do these numbers? Sure, but how were these numbers attained? And Sactown916...Efficiency @ 4 Ohm : 85%< It is listed
  16. You also know, that the .5 load test, is reactive right? .Not nominal....Would you wire to like .2 ? I thought it was nominal not reactive. Like nominal would mean that it is always .5 and a reactive load would change. Could be wrong though. No, the Dyno tests using purely resistive loads. It is NOT subject to any type of rise. If a test is done at 1 ohm, then that is what the amp is seeing for the entire duration of that test. Now that being said, the dynamic test is much easier on the amp and electrical than the certified or uncertified tests. I would be very surprised if that amp stayed on for a .5ohm certified test. And for the fact that he simply states they will not warranty the amp at .5 ohm. I don't get why a company would test at .5 ohm load and then not warranty if they are going to brag about results? Still great numbers and loved my 4500s.
  17. Ahh pics! I was shocked. I mean not by how many subs, but how 'simple' it looks. (simple...I know it wasn't) A lot of competitors run 1 or 2 subs or so, but to be this simple, and straight out the box on low power...Wow man. Very nice and tuned in!
  18. ^^^ Waiting for Kandi's response lol Kidding. Ricerish? Don't 'ricers' put on fart cannons, which tech. is a horseppower improvement? Confused by his 'logic'.
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