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Everything posted by sayhuh?

  1. Yea, I see nothing wrong with trying to get votes. Why is it different she is doing the same thing? Shit, people even post it in their sigs.
  2. If your legs weren't crossed, you would have gotten more votes. I kid, I kid! Actually, I haven't look at the noms in months. hmmm
  3. I think that may be enough to get them to start a cut, then take vise grips and rock it back and forth...or try one of these. http://www.harborfreight.com/oscillating-multifunction-power-tool-68303.html?ccdenc=eyJjb2RlIjoiOTM0ODg4NDkiLCJza3UiOiI2ODMwMyIsImlzIjoiMTkuOTkiLCJwcm9kdWN0X2lkIjoiODAyOCJ9 Surprising, they work quite well lol.
  4. Bolt cutters http://www.homedepot.com/h_d1/N-5yc1v/R-100015010/h_d2/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053
  5. Steve, Haven't received anything saying ours has shipped. Can you double check for me? Inv # 1...101 Ordered July 11th. Thanks man
  6. I thought Birch splintered easy if you weren't a little careful or had the wrong blade or you need to have a new blade...It was something along those lines lol. How is it using a rotor to round the edges?
  7. All black. I like the photo with the chrome trim around the windows being all black as well! We had this convo before and I am one who says a polished lip to break it up is the way to go, but damn, I likey!
  8. SMD DP-1 Cool shit tho. If they copy it, we can just send Georgetown there to fight for you.
  9. Uhhh...there is no driver seat either. lol http://cdn.edu-search.com/uploads/car-seat.jpg
  10. LoL..I have been looking at a beast like that. I want a bigger fridge. They put in a 24 cu ft fridge when the house was built and it is not nearly enough room. That thing looks huge!!!!
  11. And this is very common. Not all music is mastered the same.
  12. I saw the same thing and didn't think it was here. He said from now on, just use his site and/ or whatever. The Mcdee's thing I thought was a dumb analogy. Hmmm Interesting. He posts up something retarded and then removes his post from facebook. You know though..with all his crap he has endured, his fault or not, I feel bad for Ed. Honestly, he should sell out and give up. The name is tarnished from all Car Audio sites and I'm pretty sure it will affect sales.
  13. It's nice to see other countries trying to get American made cars. Wish it wasn't so hard for you all to get them. There in lies part of the problem for the US...not being able to get our car manufacturers in other countries, like we have it here with foreign companies. lol. Speaking of, can you send me an Audi S8 with right hand drive?
  14. Camaro went on sell in the Spring of 09, but I think they were listed as 2010s. So, production date will be 09, while actual date of car was 2010...if that makes sense?
  15. Umm SS with cam, intake and exhaust, chip (anything to open it up some) would be right there with the Shelby. The SS motor is no joke and I love Chevy for that, but to add a blower too...yea, hands down, SS. I'm sure I will get knocked for this, but it is true. Small upgrades will open up the SS and make it come alive. Youtube vids of them doing this are available. Like I said, the biggest reason to import the GT500 vs others is the overall future value. THe SS motor is sick though.
  16. I'd say the Shelby by all means. The Camaro looks great and all, but the power and weight is where you lose me. Dodge...well, I'm not a big fan. I can't get past the looks, sorry. After it is all said and done, the Shelby will hold more value in the long run, since it is a numbers made car...meaning less made than the others. (about 10k per year, if that)
  17. lol at some of the replies in here. After upfront expenses and RnD 30k isn't really 30k but he's getting his product out there and more exposure = more customers and that my friend is where the bank is going to come from, after he sells about 500 of these thing he's gonna be one happy dude, and are these things made in USA? Or just assembled here? Let's see, in the one pic, there are about 200 units at 150ish each = around 30k...NICE!!! Make that money. It was in general that there was 30k sitting there. I know it isn't what he is making off of it silly.
  18. lol at some of the replies in here. Let's see, in the one pic, there are about 200 units at 150ish each = around 30k...NICE!!! Make that money.
  19. http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/116135-radar-detector/page__p__1630474__hl__%2Bradar+%2Bdetector__fromsearch__1#entry1630474
  20. Search the forums. Someone just had the same topic not long ago and Ray mentioned one or two.
  21. How about save $700 and just slow down? You'll save in gas, speeding tickets and the wear and tear on your car too. Weird concept, huh? Look at it from a mathematical view. If you do 10 MPH over the speed limit, you will only arrive 10 miles in one hour faster than if you were doing the speed limit, which is approx 7-8 minutes on avg...then to keep in mind, most people may only drive on avg 35 miles for a trip...so you are saving even less time..maybe 4ish minutes...see where I am going here? You may get there faster, but not much faster and it will cost you more, with an added chance of getting tickets. 78 in a 45 is just dumb. Even with your reasoning...why drive home first? If it's cut that bad, go to a hospital? Or have someone take you...BTW, use plastic wrap if you ever do it again. lol
  22. If he did it for attention, you all sure did fall for it. CJ18, you seem to be the one most interested lol. Love loss?
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